Saturday, August 31, 2019
Constructivist approach to drama in the classroom
How does constructivist approach underpins what happen In drama? What is Drama? Drama is the act of using the imagination to become someone or something other than yourself. It can be done at any place to any period of time. According to Richard Courtney, a professional in the area of drama in education defines drama as, ââ¬Å"The human process whereby imaginative thought becomes action, drama is based on internal empathy and identification, and leads to external Impersonationâ⬠. Courtney believes also that ââ¬Å"life Is a drama. â⬠Humans are always acting and improvising. When e meet someone for the first time, we Improvise our conversation.Life has no script written for us, however, we can use role-play to practice the anticipated situation What is constructivism? The term refers to the idea that learners construct knowledge for themselves; each learner individually (and socially) constructs meaning, as he or she learns. Constructing meaning is learning. The dramatic c onsequences of this view are two fold; we have to focus on the learner in thinking about learning (not on the subject/ lesson to be taught) There is no knowledge Independent of the meaning attributed to experience constructed) by the learner, or community of learners.As quoted by Ben]amyl Frankly, ââ¬Å"Tell me, and I'll forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Involve me, and I'll understandâ⬠. This is indeed a fact for students to remember and understand what is taught, when drama is included. Drama is highly regarded as an effective and valuable teaching strategy because of its unique ability to engage reflective, constructivist and active learning in the classroom as well as enhancing oral skills development. Teachers should definitely incorporate drama in here classroom as this motivate the students that we teach and appeal too range of learning styles.Betty Jane Wagner, an Internationally recognized authority on composition Instruction and the educational uses of drama b elieves that ââ¬Å"Drama Is powerful because Its unique balance of thought and feeling makes learning excellent, challenging relevant to real-life concerns, and enjoyableâ⬠. As educators, if we are not providing a fun and jobs. Research indicates that using drama in the classroom as a means of teaching helps students learn academically, socially, and developmentally. ââ¬Å"When drama is employed in the classroom.It can reach students who otherwise couldn't be reached, and challenge students who have already grasped the concepts. Drama provides a fun means of learning. It brings the affective back into the classroom, an institute where emotions and learning are categorically divided. Recent brain research by D. O. Webb, university professor of psychology, proves that emotions are linked with learning. When we connect to the concept emotionally, we will have a better understanding of it. When we teach using the arts we are linking prior experiences with new stimuli. Teaching us ing drama brings emotion and learning together.According to Wagner, when drama is used in the classroom to teach it gets students involved and gives them the power to have a key role in their education. ââ¬Å"Through drama, students became a part of the learning process rather than mere observers or inactive receptacles of the rich experience of learning; in this way, their learning becomes more sustained, and infinitely more complexâ⬠Drama is a natural, innate form of learning for children. As young as toddlers, children play house and pretend to be doctors, teachers, or some other career, which assassinates them. These children are using drama to practice for or imitate life. Playing is one of the most powerful ways for a child to learn. He looks at the world around him and plays what he sees such as; going to the office, driving a bus, make- believe stores or parties and on and on. Children also tries different ways of acting, assumes various roles and challenges himself w ith all sorts of problemsâ⬠(Wagner). Dramatic play helps children prepare for life and cope with growing up. It allows children to explore and make sense of the complexities of life without experiencing allure. Since dramatic play is so innate in children, it should be carried on into the classroom.It is something that children are very good at and love to do. Wagner also argue that, ââ¬Å"Children bring with them to the classroom the universal human ability to play, to behave, ââ¬Å"as ifâ⬠; many children spontaneously engage in such dramatic play from as young an age as ten monthsâ⬠. It is very natural for a child to use his or her imagination to transform him or herself even as young as infantry. They are experts in the fieldâ⬠. Psychologist, Sigmund Freud ought surely to kook in the child for the first traces of imaginative activity. The child's best loved and most absorbing occupation is play.Children at play behaves like an imaginative writer, in that h e creates a world of his own or, more truly he rearranges the things of his world and orders it in a new way that pleases him betterâ⬠(Wagner). When children gets the chance to transform themselves their imagination is set free. They are then able to make connections between what they already know and the unknown. This connection helps children learn and have a better understanding of Incorporating drama in the Classroom In using drama in the classroom, the main goal is to teach the core curricular areas using drama.Betty Jane Wagner, states, ââ¬Å"role playing is improvisational, not scripted and memorized to present a performance for an audience. The emphasis is on drama as an intentional teaching strategy to enhance learning in a particular curricular areaâ⬠. There are many ways in which drama can be integrated into the classroom. Drama can be a way to teach all subject areas, which includes Language arts, social studies, and science are subject areas, and will definit ely foster a higher bevel of understanding with our students ââ¬Å"It is particularly effective in making a historical event come alive for students,â⬠(Wagner).Act out the Dialogue One of the easiest ways to incorporate drama in the classroom is to have students act out the dialogue from their textbooks. Simply pair them up, have them choose roles, then work together to act out the dialogue, figuring out for themselves the ââ¬Å"blocking,â⬠or stage movements. This is effective for a beginning activity of incorporating drama in the classroom. Perform Reader's Theater Another good beginning exercise is to do Reader's Theater. Hand out copies of a short or one-act play, have students choose roles, and then read the play from their seats without acting it out.However, do encourage them to read dramatically, modeling as necessary. Act out the Story If students are reading a short story such as ââ¬Å"The Chaser,â⬠about the man who buys a ââ¬Å"love potionâ⬠for his unrequited love, have students act out the story or part of the story, working in groups and assigning roles and determining the blocking. This is particularly effective with short stories, one-scene stories with limited characters. Write the Dialogue for a Scene Watch a brief clip of a movie without the sound on. Have students write the dialogue for it and act it out. Emotion Give students an emotion, such as ââ¬Å"angerâ⬠or ââ¬Å"fearâ⬠.Have students, either singly or in groups, first act out that emotion then put words to the emotion. Give Voiceâ⬠to an Inanimate Object What would a stapler say if it could talk? Or an apple? Have students write monologues with inanimate objects as the character. A monologue is a short scene with Just one character talking, either addressing the audience, God, or himself or herself. Psychologists have viewed drama as a way of learning. While studying the growth of humans cognitively, psychologists have found that drama provid es a sound foundation for development. Level Viscosity and Jerome Burner both see cognitive growth as dependent upon interactive play and upon children imagining themselves acting in worlds that are developmentally a bit above their actual physical and intellectual level. Both provide a solid foundation for using drama in the classroom as a way that deepens and enlarges understandingâ⬠(Wagner). Drama is a form of ââ¬Å"learning by doing. Dewey a known psychologist spoke on the importance of imagination, and stated that meanings are derived from past participant's use of imagination. The curriculum should integrate the imagination with the cognitive world of the student.Wagner stated that ââ¬Å"John Dew's, ââ¬Ëlearning by doing theory shaped the progressive era in educationâ⬠. It is also important to know that drama is beneficial because of how much the participants engage with each other. This helps to develop valuable social skills in young children. In order for ch ildren to be able to learn, they have to feel safe and comfortable. The engagement with each other in drama builds trust and strong relationship. Brain Research It is also important to know how humans learn, this will foster our understanding on the importance of drama.Juliann Sexton, who is the co-chair of drama in education conference, explains that recent brain research shows how drama can plays a part in how students lean. Each person learns best a little differently. Some learn best by visualizing, some by audible, and some by kinesthesia. However, not every person falls into one of these categories. I am sure that many people would confess that they member something best by using a combination of all three types of learning. This is why teachers must utilize all methods of teaching in the classroom.Using drama can be of benefit to all types of learning. James R. Lawson, author of the article, ââ¬Å"Brain-Based Learning,â⬠describes the process of how our brain work Xx wh en drama is incorporated. He states that, the brain undergoes an electrochemical process in which information is transferred from one neuron to the next. The brain is made up of billions of these nerve cells called neurons. ââ¬Å"Neuron connections are flexible, webbed, overlapping, and redundant. Internal and external stimuli collaborate in the formation of pathways and patterns of excited neurons.The more frequently pathways or patterns of neurons are used the stronger the pathways and patterns becomeâ⬠(Lawson). It is important that these pathways and patterns become stronger because as they do it becomes more probable that they will be created again. ââ¬Å"Simultaneous excitation of multiple pathways and patterns create growth of new neuron connections, thus increasing the potential of the brain to learn. It is important when teaching to connect the new eternal with student's past experiences because it is this ââ¬Å"simultaneous excitationâ⬠that helps us learn.Dra ma is also a means of problem solving. When students work together in drama, they may run into problems where, for example, they do not agree on a solution or action the rest of their group is taking. Wagner states, ââ¬Å"Participants in drama must negotiate their roles. Unless they can agree and cooperate, the game is overâ⬠. Like all group work, students must problem solve how they will handle this conflict of interest. This will help students to become life long learners. Most definitely as adults e all face problems in our social lives.Whether problems occur at home, school, or education calls for more group work, so students obtain the crucial skills needed throughout life. It is quite evident that the frontal cortex part of the brain is very much triggered using drama. Conclusion Drama gives educators the opportunity to teach their students in a way, which would create a love for learning. It provides valuable problem solving, social, and creative skills. Drama embraces the child's imagination and emotions, which in many classrooms are shunned. Students will be able to engage in activities and immersed n the roles, which they assume.We are naturally equipped with the ability to use drama in our lives. It can be said that drama is a way of life. Drama activates the whole brain and also engages many different kinds of intelligences. It reaches students who need a challenge, as well as students who are not reached through traditional teaching methods. If educators want to reach their students and teach them in the most effective possible way, then they will integrate drama and the arts into their classroom. The impact that this kind of authentic learning can make on a child is priceless.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Reducing Racial Discrimination in the USA Essay
Between the periods of 1877-1981 there were many significant figures who contributed towards reducing racial discrimination in the USA. Although without events such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott, WWII or the actions of the NACCP to change attitudes towards African Americans, these individuals would have had little effect. The likes of Booker T Washington and Du Bois set the foundation for civil rights along with the Second World War; however other individuals such as Martin Luther King help to actively progress the movement. Along with this the government and various presidents more so in the latter of the period of 1877-1981 helped to change attitudes and enforce legislation which was vital in reducing racial discrimination in the USA. Booker T Washington began to provide the foundations to the civil rights movement in his actions. Although I believe that during this early period of the movement little was achieved, Washington was still able to provide education, and show African Americans that they had a future and it was at their own mercy. This helped to relieve some who were less fortunate. On the other hand Du Bois took a route which directly campaigned for civil rights for African Americans; alike to Washington he achieved little due to the already widespread racial situation in the USA. It is noticeable that these individuals had no short term meaningful effect on reducing racial discrimination, however much was achieved long term as they created the path for the civil rights movement in the future, this was also aided with the work from the NACCP, which raised awareness of the racial discrimination situation in America. Another individual which had little short term significance in reducing racial discrimination was Marcus Garvey, who unlike Du Bois and Washington believed that blacks and whites could not co-exist and they should be separate, he held the belief that African Americans had to start their own nation in order to advance. Whilst he failed to make much impact on the movement itself, alike to his predecessors Du Bois and Washington, his ideas were valued and widespread, they inspired many including future activists such as Malcolm X. Garvey gave African Americans at that time a sense of confidence that they would be able to advance as a race, and they need not be bound by the constraints of racial discrimination. This is why in the Long term Garvey was a valued activist, and his ideas were useful in progress in the movement towards equality. Also he gave confidence to other African Americans in campaigning against racial discrimination which could be seen in the likes of the Greensboro Sit Ins further into the civil rights movement. The likes of the NACCP helped to put an end to racial discrimination with the use of court cases and legal methods which were unlike the methods that the likes of Washington used with his attempts to educate. Examples of this were Brown Vs the board of education which the Supreme Court ruled in favor of reducing discrimination and segregation within schools. However the NACCP failed to diminish discrimination totally the organization still managed to do some good in the fight for equality. Furthermore, whilst the likes of Du Bois were unable to make a direct impact on reducing discrimination, he was able to work alongside the NACCP using other methods to succeed in his goals, and together this would reduce discrimination more. Therefore the NACCP played a more important role than early individuals in reducing racial discrimination towards African Americans through its early successes in successes in removing segregation, and although things to come would show to be more valuable to the civil rights movement, the NACCP was still a vital element in setting the foundation of the civil rights movement for the future. Although individuals had led the campaign for civil rights for African Americans throughout the early 20th century and towards the end of the 19th, as WWII commenced it would prove to be a key factor in aiding reduction of racial discrimination. It helped to change attitudes towards black Americanââ¬â¢s, as they went to war; they were portrayed to be worthy American citizens which changed many white Americanââ¬â¢s attitudes towards them. The war also created stepping stones for the likes of Martin Luther King to breach into the civil rights movement, therefore not only did it have an impact on black Americanââ¬â¢s, it also created some success for many civil rights activists. However the war did nothing to reduce discrimination towards other ethnic minorities, for example Japanese Americans received much racial discrimination due to Japanââ¬â¢s role in WWII. Although the war was bad for the civil rights of Japanese Americans, Chinese Americanââ¬â¢s received a better way of life, with more civil rights as America forged a great political relationship with China after the war due to their help during it. Therefore WWII was a great influence on reducing racial discrimination within the USA for only certain minorities, although for the likes of Japanese Americanââ¬â¢s way of life got worse as they were sent to camps until the war ended due to suspicions. The war was more important than earlier individuals as it had a direct impact on reducing racial discrimination, and further effect in the emergence of fresh civil rights activists who would later have a significant role in the movement. As the attitudes towards African Americans changed after the war in the 1940ââ¬â¢s many civil rights activists saw their time to join the civil rights movement. One of these activists was Martin Luther King who used methods of non-violence in order to gain sympathy from whites and in doing so change attitudes towards black Americans. Although his views were similar to those of Du Boisââ¬â¢ views, King had more effect on reducing racial discrimination. Particularly in attempts to eliminate desegregation. This was likely to be partly due to how far the civil rights movements had advanced by Kingââ¬â¢s time, in particularly down to WWII which changed attitudes. King gave confidence to Black Americanââ¬â¢s; he used television and media to convey his ideas through speeches which were very influential and very much a trait of his. King was often compared as similar to Washington and Du Bois, although he did much more to reduce discrimination. His direct actions in the likes of the Montgomery Bus boycott. This event was critical in reducing racial discrimination as it saw black Americans united as one to fight for their cause, its success showed that with the unity of African Americans civil rights could be achieved, and also proved that the likes of King needed events such as the boycott to achieve anything as an activist. This event was significant to him. Also significant to Kingââ¬â¢s civil rights success was the use of television. With the use of television violence towards African Americans could be shown to a wider audience across the USA, and could hange attitudes. Therefore although King was more significant than his predecessors Washington, Garvey and Du Bois as an activist, this was partly due to what King had to work with such as television. Further to this, the likes of civil rights activists such as Cesar Chavez who was in the fight for reducing discrimination within Mexican Americans followed Kingââ¬â¢s policies of non-violence, this showed King was not only having an effect on black Americans. Chavez led the first farm workers union in America which was successful to some extent, and led to the reduction of racial prejudice. Although this wasnââ¬â¢t much compared to what the likes King had achieved with his use of speeches. In contrast to Kingââ¬â¢s policy of non-violence was the up and coming idea of ââ¬ËBlack Powerââ¬â¢ during the 1960ââ¬â¢s. Originating from Garvey, violent civil rights activist Malcolm X worked to make the ideology more popular. The idea supported segregation, and blacks being supreme compared to white Americans, and again highlighted the ideas of African Americans starting their own nation. Xââ¬â¢s beliefs of gaining equality by ââ¬Ëany means necessaryââ¬â¢ contrasted with Kingââ¬â¢s beliefs of non-violence which made King and X much like enemies during the 1960ââ¬â¢s. However, Xââ¬â¢s ideas had little or none effect on passing legislation and reducing discrimination. Although alike to Garvey X gave black Americans confidence, noticeably within the northern ââ¬Ëghettosââ¬â¢ in highlighting important issues of violence within these areas. Therefore Xââ¬â¢s views of violence were greatly frowned upon, which always put him in the shadow of King who was always more significant in reducing racial discrimination in the USA. In the early stages of the civil rights movement the government played little role in reducing racial discrimination. However presidents began to get involved in the movement as it persisted. Eisenhower had the first real involvement in the movement when he sent federal troops for assistance in Little Rock, and the government enforced the Supreme Court ruling of the Brown case in the town. Kennedy had planned to enforce a Civil Rights Bill, although this was later enforced via Johnson along with the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which gave black Americans the right to vote, and again reduced discrimination; this was a step in the right direction of equality. Further to this Nixon aimed to enforce desegregation in schools as well as helping the like of voting rights, employment discrimination and aid to the poor. Although Nixon was not as significant as Carter who later made attempts to get black Americans involved politically, appointing them in the judiciary. This enabled more blacks to have a say as well as improving their status in society. Therefore presidents played a key role as if they were for civil rights, then this could mean attitudes could be changed on a broader scale. This was important to the movement, and was more useful in reducing discrimination overall due to legislation passed which was showing that action was being taken against racial discrimination, unlike the role of previous activists such as Du Bois, Garvey, X and Washington who failed to have much impact on legislation. The most influential president was Johnson; he was able to pass legislation which made blacks equality to whites greater, such as the Voting Rights Act. Although the likes of King didnââ¬â¢t have the power to do this, civil rights activists made government aware of the racial situation in the USA. Therefore they were more significant than presidents. In the 1970ââ¬â¢s and 1980ââ¬â¢s further action brought forward the civil rights movement. The introduction of the Quota System meant that employers and universities had to take on a certain percentage of African Americans, and the situation for black Americans began to rapidly improve. Although this had much more significance than many activists in this later period, it was still influenced because of activists in the early stages of the civil rights movement, which make the likes of King more significant. In conclusion, in the period of 1877-1981 individuals were the most significant in reducing racial discrimination. Early activists such as Washington and Du Bois had little opportunity to reduce discrimination due to the widespread discrimination and the likes of the KKK, however, events such as WWII enabled activists to emerge, as attitudes towards African Americans had began to change. Using the ideologies of previous activists the most important individual King was able to use events such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the likes of television to share his speeches and views, helping to pass legislation, change attitudes and give black Americans the confidence to further the civil rights movement. King helped to convey the on-going discrimination problem in the USA towards the government, which enabled presidents to take action with the likes of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which brought about further equality for blacks. Although towards the latter stages of the movement the government had more effect on reducing racial discrimination by passing legislation.
Biology – Patterns in Nature
Biology ââ¬â Pattern in Nature 1. Organisms are made of cells that have similar structural characteristics 1. 2. 1Outline the Historical development of the cell theory, in particular, the contributions of Robert Hooke and Robert Brown. â⬠¢1665 English scientist Robert Hooke used microscope to examine thin slices of cork and saw small box-like compartments he called cells. He was first to realise plant material had organised structure at microscopic level. (compound microscope) â⬠¢1831 Scottish Botanist Robert Brown was involved in a dispute about how pollination and fertilisation occurred in plants.During his study with orchids, he noted that ââ¬ËEach cell has a spherical structureââ¬â¢. He named it the nucleus of a cell. First to introduce the concept of a nucleated cell as unit of structure in plants. 1. 2. 2Describe evidence to support the cell theory. â⬠¢Cell theory evidence accumulated over 600 years with advancement of technology with the microscope and le nses. â⬠¢14th century Italian monks invented magnifying glass spectacles. â⬠¢1590 first two lens/ compound microscope made by Hans and Zacharias Janssen. â⬠¢1676 Leeuwenhoek (Dutch) saw micro organisms under a microscope in a drop of pond water. 1824 Henri Dutrochet (French) suggested that all organisms are composed of cells. â⬠¢1838 Schleiden and Schwann (German) further advanced idea that all organisms are made of cells.Increasing evidence. E. g. first researcher to view single yeast cells budding and producing new cells. From that time on, cells regarded as building block of life. â⬠¢1859 Rudolph Virchow (German) stated that all cells divide and that is how new cells are made. â⬠¢1879 Walther Flemming (German) used biological stains to view cells dividing and verified the ideas of Virchow. 1. 2. Discuss the significance of technological advances to developments of cell theory â⬠¢Middle ages- Spontaneous generation- meat + maggots, tadpoles/frogs in H20 . (Living matter arises from non-living matter. Problem= the source of new life/ eggs could not be seen, too microscopic. â⬠¢Magnifying lens made in 1300 but not used in astronomical instruments and microscopes until 1600ââ¬â¢s. â⬠¢Earliest microscope was single lens. Compound was developed soon after, had 2 lens, objective and an ocular- mounted in a tube. It wasnââ¬â¢t until 1660ââ¬â¢s before developed enough to be useful. â⬠¢Eye can only be 10cm close to an object to be able to see it in focus.Closer than that the eye cannot resolve or separate small objects so blurred. Resolution= to see objects as separate and distinct. Magnifying lenses spread light rays so they strike the eye lens at a much greater angle of incidence than unaided eye. Magnification= to make things appear bigger. â⬠¢Not much development happened for 200 years in microscope advances due to problems with chromatic aberration. â⬠¢Schwann helped to dispel theory of spontaneous generati on by magnifying 400 times meat extracts through which hot air had passed. It was found meat was sterile. Also used microscope to trace presence of yeast in grape juice and beer.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Marketing Mix Stimuli Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1
Marketing Mix Stimuli - Essay Example The researcher states that product portfolio of Ariel brand can be explained in the following manner. Ariel Excel Gel The product is designed for low-temperature cleaning. A unique design of the bottle and innovative gel formulae of the product give a user the opportunity to wash clothes with high precision. The gel gets dissolve very easily in water hence solvency rate increases. The detergent is able to remove various types of stains such as tomato sauce, dirt, chocolate etc from cloths. Ariel Powder Ariel Powder is designed to give brilliant cleaning in every wash. The detergent can wash colored garments without causing harm to fabrics of a garment. The detergent should be dosed directly on the cloth by taking water as the surfactant. Ariel Excel Liquitabs Ariel Excel Liquitabs is able to remove stains such as oil, tar, grease etc. The product should be dosed in the lower drawer of Washing Machine. Ariel Tablets Ariel Tablets provides the convenience of using to users. The product has been developed in order to get a brilliant wash from the smallest possible dose. The study will be incomplete if it misses the opportunity to explain the role of consumer behavior in purchasing a detergent product. A psychoanalytical theory proposed by Sigmund Freud states that human personality depends on different variables such as id (biological need driven gratification), ego (conflict between the hedonistic requirement of id and ethical constraint of superego) and superego (behavior backed by social responsibility). Many consumers show boycotts of non-eco-friendly products in order to show their environmental concern. These customers prefer ââ¬Å"ethical consumptionâ⬠in order to maintain environmental sustainability. Foxall et al. have divided motivation into six components such as social needs, physiological needs, cognitive needs, symbolic needs, experiential needs and hedonic needs in order to explain customer demand. Customers purchase Ariel detergent in order t o satisfy their daily household needs hence purchase behavior is more driven by id aspect in contrast to other elements of psychoanalytic theory. Detergent purchase behavior of a customer can be briefed in the following manner. à People purchase detergent as daily household item hence they do not spend much time on the pre-purchase decision. Self-consciousness plays the very small role in purchasing decision. Brand conscious customers purchase Ariel due to the brand name of Procter & Gamble. Many customers purchase Ariel with an intention to satisfy self-esteem. Psychographics VALS or ââ¬Å"Value and Lifestyleâ⬠framework has divided consumers into four segments such as ââ¬Å"Actulizersâ⬠(Customers spending large sum of money on purchasing in order to show taste and attitude), Fulfilled (Customers purchasing product after doing rigorous background research), Believers (purchasing product in order to satisfy traditional family value) and Strivers (Customers purchasing low priced but stylish products). A study shows that believers play the significant role in purchasing detergent. Believers prefer well-known brands hence they choose Ariel over unknown local brands. Involvement Detergent is a low involvement product because customers do not require huge financial resources to purchase it.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Case Problems Involving the First Amendment Assignment
Case Problems Involving the First Amendment - Assignment Example By chanting anti slogans to the police, the crowd showed they were ready to take up arms and this goes against the constitution that states that persons should not be perceived as threatening the peace of other citizens (Russomanno 150). The act of disturbing the peace is prosecutable in the country and seeing the protesters were turning rowdy, the police had no option but to arrest awaiting charges of disturbing the peace. The universityââ¬â¢s president policy is constitutional because there are specifically designated places that political activists can go and practice their freedom of speech. These areas are allocated for by the government and official escort the demonstrators to these areas. If the activists demonstrate away from these areas then they can be charged with trespassing, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest. It is also within the presidentââ¬â¢s power to designate the area as a student-reserved area and keep away protesters who may come and spoil the reputation of the school. To prevent shame and further humiliation in the future the decision by the president is not only plausible but also
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Human Rights Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Human Rights Act - Essay Example The omission of the right to an effective remedy for violations of Convention rights (Article 13 ECHR) from the list of Convention rights which the Act made part of municipal law militated against the development of innovative remedies. So did the careful preservation of the principle of the legislative sovereignty of the Queen in Parliament, making it impossible to strike down primary legislation which is held to be incompatible with a Convention right. (The remedial regime would be much enhanced if the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights becomes legally enforceable through the implementation of the EU Constitution: parliamentary legislation which is incompatible with the Charter rights would then be ineffective to the extent of the incompatibility). Under section 4 of the Human Rights Act 1998, the higher courts can make a declaration of incompatibility, but that does not affect the validity or effectiveness of the incompatible legislation. Thirdly, on the other hand, the political pr ocess has proved to be responsive to the injection of human rights standards. The Act carefully preserved parliamentary sovereignty in the sense that courts are unable to misapply or strike down legislation on the ground of an incompatibility with a Convention right under the Act. ... This means that the ultimate interpretative principle does not now turn on the literal meaning or objective purpose of the legislative text but on the effect which will be best calculated to secure compatibility with Convention rights, subject to the constraint of the 'possibility' of a reading or effect in the light of the legislative text. There are important questions as to the point at which a reading or effectuation of legislation that is legitimate for a decision-maker in his or her institutional position in the state shades into illegitimate legislative action. However, subject to this it is clear that the literal reading of legislation, the intention of the legislature, and the mischief which the legislation was designed to address no longer offer a final answer to questions as to the meaning and application of legislation. To some extent this restricts the practical ability of Parliament to give effect to legislative purposes, at least in so far as the mode of expression leads to a result that is incompatible with Convention rights. Unlike the duty under section 3 of the Act, the power of one of the higher courts under section 4 to make a declaration of incompatibility in relation to legislation does not formally limit the capacity of the Queen in Parliament to give effect to Her legislative goals or the means by which Her Majesty can do so. However, a declaration under section 4 has some odd characteristics in the perspective of accepted constitutional principles. The Queen in Parliament has authorized judges to declare that parliamentary legislation is in some sense wrongful by reference to the objective, legal standards set by Convention rights. Admittedly
Monday, August 26, 2019
Compensation Laws and Legislation Research Paper - 1
Compensation Laws and Legislation - Research Paper Example Some laws also protect the employers by getting rid of liability of co-workers in most accidents, and by limiting the amount an injured employee can be paid. There is the Federal Employeesââ¬â¢ Compensation Act, specific to federal employees only, and there are workersââ¬â¢ compensation acts established by each State. Workersââ¬â¢ compensation act ensures employees get their benefits through three main programs; Medical treatment, wage replacement, and vocational rehabilitation. Each of these programs is specific to each state (United States Department of Labor). These are payments made by a companyââ¬â¢s insurance company to an injured or sick employee to cure or relieve the effects of the disease or injury. The insurance company is mandated to make payments for medical treatment. The employee, however, can get compensation benefits for a workplace related injury. There are also compensations to disabilities arising from injuries or illnesses obtained from the workplace. An employeeââ¬â¢s dependents are also eligible for compensation benefits in case of work related deaths (Lozano v. Archer). A case illustrating workerââ¬â¢s medical compensation benefit is Maril Be Van, v. Liberty Northwest Insurance Corporation. Be Van worked for Blackfoot Telephone Communications. The company provided for a paid fifteen minute break in the morning, a paid fifteen minute break in the afternoon, and an unpaid one hour lunch break. Be Van got an accident one day when she took an early 15 minutes paid break, and went home. Due to this early break, her break was disputed to be within working hours; therefore, the employer and the employerââ¬â¢s insurer denied her compensations. It was, however, established that Be Van was to have an early afternoon meeting that day, which would take the time required for her to have her lunch break. It was also established that she went for an early fifteen minute break because of the scheduled meeting at her lunch break. She sought
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Underdetermination and holism Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Underdetermination and holism - Coursework Example This fact from the history of the growth of science shows us that the issue that the problem of undeterminism of scientific theories raises is a real issue that cannot be merely dismissed as a case of philosophical doubt. 2. A critical look at Laudanââ¬â¢s proposed dissolution of undeterminism shows that the Laudanââ¬â¢s dissolution can be used in defence of scientific realism. In his critique of undeterminism, Laudan argued that scientists and philosophers use the term undeterminism in a very loose manner. Laudan went on to argue that due to using the term undeterminism in a loose manner, the scientists and philosophers magnify the problem of undeterminism in science than the problem is. For Laudan, scientific theories are not undetermined in the sense that the theories are wholly undetermined as undeterminism hold, but scientific theories are undetermined only in the sense that the theories cannot be absolutely verified by any set of evidence. For Laudan, although, scientific theories are not absolutely verifiable by any set of evidence, scientific theories, however, are testable and their conclusions are tentative. For this reason, Laudan concluded that scientific theories can give us object ive, but tentative knowledge. A critical look at this view shows that Laudanââ¬â¢s dissolution of undeterminism can be used in defence of scientific realism. This is because scientific realism hold the view that scientific theories are tentative and scientific knowledge, therefore, is tentative; Laudan holds the same view. 3. A critical look at Dunhemââ¬â¢s problem shows that the problem doesnââ¬â¢t really extend to the Quinean holism about about logic, mathematics and science. This is because Dunhem holds that scientific theories are undetermined because it is impossible to test a scientific hypothesis or theory in isolation since scientific theories are interrelated and the test of any scientific
Saturday, August 24, 2019
E-government Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
E-government Model - Essay Example These studies indicate a definite trend whereby the researchers have utilized various means of analyzing and assessing user behavior to arrive at a logical conclusion regarding the factors influencing them to adopt e-government services offered by the government. For instance, Reddick (2005) has utilized a systematic approach to study the citizen behavior by observing their interaction with the government. Such observation acts an effective tool in analyzing citizen behavior and attitude and affords the researchers in estimating and understanding the concerns and grievances of the citizens and overcome them to achieve desired results. The successful adoption and implementation of any e-government model depends on the attitudes of the users, which in turn is influenced by a combination of factors such as perceived usefulness of the e-government model as well as socio-cultural influences (Chen and Thurmaier, 2005; Kumar et al., 2007; Al-Shehry et al., 2006). According to Venkatesh et a l., (2003) the term social influence refers to "the degree to which peers influence the use of the system". It could be either positive or negative and is the key factor that motivates / de-motivates individuals to adapt to a given situation. Various studies have indicated that the collective culture of a country provides an informative insight into the manner in which people behave and their likely reaction towards a new situation (Carter and Weerakkody, 2008; Dimitrova and Chen, 2006).
Friday, August 23, 2019
QUESTION SET Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
QUESTION SET - Movie Review Example The story would change drastically if told by someone else other than Martha since they do not understand the real hardships due to lack of contact with the women. This would overshadow the real struggles of women. Things left behind provide evidence of the living conditions during a historical period (Richard, 1997). They help us understand the experiences through reconnection. An example is Marthaââ¬â¢s diary helps us to see her world and make a film depicting her life and experiences as a midwife. Other remote issues such as religious conflicts affected the ordinary lives of people. They reduced interactions among community members sharing differences in this remote factors. As a result, racism becomes an issue and an ordinary way of life making it difficult for ordinary people to relate with those of opposite race. Racism is seen as big issue at the time when mothers states she uses the same speed and skill to deliver white women and black women proving race was there but she did not let it affect her (Richard, 1997). The movie helps us understand the struggles faced by women during the post-revolutionary period. It helps to shed light on medical practices, religious animosity and sexual roles in the 18th century. These issues still affect us right now and, therefore, the movie can help individuals recognize this issues and address them
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Fiber optics Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Fiber optics - Lab Report Example Each of the strands is a tenth less as thick as the strand of a human hair and it is capable of carrying approximated ten million calls. The cables are able to carry information from one point to another using the optical technology. The technology has been applied in many companies of telecommunications to transmit various telephone signals, television signals of cables and various communications in the internet. The fiber optics is more advantageous compared to existing copper wire that results from lower level of attenuation and also interference. This occurs in various long distances and in high demand applications. However, there have been various challenges resulting from development of infrastructure in cities making it time consuming and expensive to install the fiber optics (Meà ndez and Morse 165). As a result, fiber optics has been primarily installed in long distances where it is possible to maximize their full capacity of transmission. This has resulted into a decreased price of installing the fiber optic
Media Violence Essay Example for Free
Media Violence Essay Introduction à à A number of psychological problems are surfacing these days, especially concerning the younger generation. The open viewer ship of television, movies playing video games instill young children with the aggression violent energy of the show. It has been deduced through extensive research that children who view more media violence are more verbally physically aggressive becoming more anti social as the years pass. ââ¬Å"Media violence exposure is described as a risk factor for aggressive beliefs and behaviors, and it is argued that media violence exposure in combination with other risk factors for aggression (e. g., hostile attribution bias, sex, prior aggression) can produce an effect greater than any single risk factor alone.â⬠(For further review Gentile et al 2004) à à Psychologists have been conducting researches to learn more about the physical mental effects of violence through media. The intense antagonistic music, lyrics videos affect the viewers most negatively regardless of their age. Even the cartoons which are meant purely for childrenââ¬â¢s viewing have turned aggressive boisterous. In classrooms students are getting into fights with co- students forming cliques comprising of most popular un- popular students all derived from the latest TV series. This impact is seen in girls more than in boys; however the boys are more into the aggressive attitudes physically. The matters to be discussed are: How the media affects the minds of young children? What steps are being taken by the parents to control these consequences? What measures are the media related people taking so as to broadcast less violence in TV shows? The government officials dealings to solve this problem? The problems occurring due to this social learning; a process where an individual learns by watching imitating others instead of ones own experiences, by exposure to TV violence in the early years are numerous. Some main points to be highlighted are: Diminishing of the involuntary concern for anotherââ¬â¢s suffering. Losing the sensitivity towards violence aggression by becoming habitual. Imitating the violent acts as seen in the movie. Exhibiting a hostile attitude towards others. Prevalence of risk factor: à à Due to the availability of many media options like cable television, DVDs, the ever progressing video games. Unlimited time is being spent in watching cartoon animated movies, which are becoming more sadistic as the technology advances; generating a number of behavioral, social emotional problems. At times the media simply provide a boom to an already disturbed child under stress due to family or school troubles. Often it causes severe psychotic disorders pervasive developmental disorders with a very low frequency which makes it difficult to identify the main causes. (Merrell K. 1999) Description of risk factor at different ages: à à The risk factors in media violence are many observed differently at each age level also gender wise. à A researchà concluded at 99% of American families have televisions at home, 87% a VCR, à 54% children have televisions video games in their own bedrooms. Average time an American child spends per day, in viewing different types of media is 6 hours 43 minutes; of which 90 minutes each day is spent in playing video games. This deduces that they consume double the amount of time in watching TV playing video games then they spend at school annually. Children are mostly fascinated by the fantasies stories hence fantasy based games are the most popular among kids. The total estimation of the profit earned by the video games industry is a whopping $ 10 billion dollars a year, even crossing the gross of the ever popular motion pictures. à It has not yet been deduced how the media violence effects infants but it may cause them to imitate behaviors in a minimal manner, from what they grasp. Usually the viewer ship becomes stronger when they reach the age of two a half or above. Thatââ¬â¢s the time when they develop the ability to grasp the right meaning of what they view on television then incorporate it in their actions. à The children of age group 6 8 are most likely to be fascinated by what they view on media. They do not have the experience maturity to characterize between the real life fantasy hence; they feel infatuated by the fictional characters try to imitate their actions verbally physically. Many children, when asked what they want to be when they grow up, answer mostly the names of superheroes they watch admire on TV like superman or batman. à à When the movie superman was released many children tried to copy the flying act by tying a cape around their neck jumping from a higher place. This ended up in a number of casualties therefore frustration on not being able to carry out the task, which the superman so flawlessly renders. This is not an only example; the horror movies children view also create negative effects in the young minds. When the movie Childs play was released, a huge number of children threw away their dolls had countless nightmares by imagining the face of chucky the evil doll feeling scared. à The young age is open to magical ideas fantasies. They consider the on-screen violence as reality, this though process gradually develops as the child ages the difference between reality fantasy diminishes. The TV is taking over the family moments. This development is progressing with great pace which is an extremely serious issue needs to be tackled controlled by the parents with the collaboration of the media related people. à à The media viewing habits that the children develop at an early stage influence their life throughout the ages. The inspiration they take from the fast paced colorful cartoons movies will embark a feeling of aggression at a premature level. The exploring property of young minds fosters them to learn the violent actions of the characters emulate them themselves. This characteristic is further highlighted by the intense sounds music supporting the movie. Theory à The reality enjoyment level of the violence creates de-sensitization. It is a feeling when the individual, loses the feeling of compassion or sensitivity becomes oblivious to the violence being broadcasted in front of him. This process is cemented by the high levels of graphics being used in video games movies these days. The points or rewards on killing, blood showing body mutilation in video games are considered as normal undertakings. à Depression is considered to be the major psychiatric disease of the 20th century. (M. Abdel et al, 2006) This problem is becoming common in young children as well, mostly appearing during the teenage years, it intervenes with a childââ¬â¢s psychological, social academic functioning evoking a suicidal behavior. The signs are often showcased by a child exhibit frustration low tolerance. Various factors are materializing due to the media violence exposure in children: Epidemiologists who have been studying the factors of violence other common social issues discovered that exposure to violent media played a vital part in 10,000 homicides committed in the United States of America last year (E. Cook, 2000) Individuals preferring heavy metal music are more subjective to psychological disarray, substance exploitation, suicidal risk in the extreme stage during adolescence. The effects of interactive media like internet video games are more enduring persuasive on violent behavior than passive media like television as they have increased levels of aggression hostility having a tendency to make the individual insensitive to violence. An inclination towards using drugs indulging in unsafe sex, contributing to the widely spreading diseases like HIV aids, cancer of different types. Specific effects on children/adolescentsà à à à The students of middle school or high school, around the age of 12 to 17 are very much capable of theoretical thinking elucidation. However, when exposed to the world of media they do not utilize these mental abilities, making them as prone to media violence effects as younger children. By this age they get much independence by the parents, thus making them highly vulnerable to in appropriate media. This is more compelling for boys than in girls; however, girls too are being captivated into the same habits nowadays. They indulge in viewing media dealing issues in negative ways including loud music videos, horror often pornographic content. à A research conducted by the of Washington epidemiologist Brandon Centerwall, evaluated that among one- quarter one- third convicted young male criminals had consciously imitated the violent techniques they had seen on television.(Tepperman) à à à Some percentage of youngsters both male females who associate the media content with real life are more prone to becoming aggressive later in life, however they are less prone to identify with television characters doubt the reality of media at this age as compared to younger children. Whereas younger children, are much enthralled captivated by the aggressive heroes depicted in the media. Excessive exposure to strong media generates some particular effects on children like: The violent behavior might perceive them into becoming attackers. It may induce fear in the individual hence creating a victimized effect. The excessive viewing of violent content may make them insensitive ruthless to the belligerence happening around them in media or in real life. It can make them ambitious for yet more aggression violence by creating an effect of negative desire. à The children studying at elementary school level are very keen in recognizing patterns of the actions depicted in media especially cartoons which appeal to them the most. Their cognitive abilities make it a grave period to make conjectures about the vociferous content recognize motivations of the characters. à The society should show some concern to the risks encompassed being spread through media. The fact that a young mind learns develops aggressive behavior later becomes desensitized to it; has been proven by a number of scientific researches. The violence itself is not the attraction for younger children, the graphic content dramatic production features set up the hype. As young as preschool students view cartoons like Pokemon which has been banned earlier in many countries due to its violent theme. à à The children not just enjoy the cartoons; they buy the merchandise games of their favorite show as well. Another factor that appears here is when the families who cannot afford such extravagance fail to comply with the Childs demands; it creates a sense of severance in him or her. This might induce him to steal or get into fights so as to hide this feeling. It has been noted by parents teachers alike, that when preschooler watch any stimulating action oriented content, they become more aggressive in their play. The teenagers have a predisposition to confront conventional authority making them vulnerable to interpret some television violence especially exposà © of suicide murders. Research findings à à If we observe the viewer ship of programs like MTV WWE containing explicit matter, it is clear that children most exposed to these programs are verbally physically more aggressive anti social. Children viewing WWE are physically more violent get into more fights at school. Both the viewers showed decline in school grades. Girls surprisingly have a higher tendency than boys to get into fights. The steps that appear in children exposed to violence on media making them most likely to imitate it are: Identification with the hero the program itself. Fantasizing about the program creating oneââ¬â¢s own stories on its bases. The aptitude to commit the act. Vulnerability and protective factor à The expansion of childrenââ¬â¢s media started in the early 1940s up till now comprises of television, video tapes, DVDs, electronic games, interactive soft wares. The visual media has flourished more as compared to the print media like comic story books. The 1990s saw a transformation of media into a more violent physically aggressive medium. The rating system that they used to label the content has not been implemented properly thus provoke the risk of violence in young children, often traumatizing them affecting their judgmental qualities. à à à The media portrays unrealistic concepts regarding beauty physical appearances as sales tactics. This is perceived by the young minds in a negative way propelling them to opt for unhealthy diets suffer body disorders psychological effects when they are unable to attain that look. Minimum 20 hours per week are spent in television viewing by an average American child not counting the time spent on movies, music, video games Internet. This association with media is promoting inactivity the children. Less time is spent on studies social life. The parents use the TV as a way to get the children out of the way. Especially mothers so they can complete housework with ease. à The use of tobacco, alcohol illicit drugs is represented as high glamour in the media. The characters of the movies or TV shows often shown indulging in them. (Clark, 2007) $6 billion $2 billion dollars are spent annually by the tobacco alcohol manufactures respectively in advertising their product. Educational messages are also broadcasted but on a much smaller scale. à à Repeated viewing of the harmful content has been noted to lower emotional response to violence increase hostility in individuals. Studies have documented that desensitization results in reduced arousal and emotional disturbance while witnessing violence. à à A survey conducted in Ohio, in 1998 of more than 2000 3-8 grade students showed that as the viewer ship increased the psychological effects like anxiety, depression posttraumatic stress increased as well. (Cantor, 2002) A normal American child witness more than 8000 murders on media by the time heââ¬â¢s 11, 75% of these show the murderer performing the act without any regret making the children either insensitive or fearful of the societyââ¬â¢s negative acts. (Gentile et all, 2004) à A national survey in 1999 revealed that 62% parents of children ages ranging from 2-17 confessed their child being frightened by something they saw on TV. Strengths and limitations Surveys were conducted, strength is that research will have positive implications if steps taken to avoid exposure of media on young children. Our research limitation is that we have to rely on questionnaires for this study. Though every person who takes the survey we take consent to be truthful and honest, but still some people might not be serious in answering the questions. à à The research we conducted brought out many views issues concerning the mediaââ¬â¢s violent nature by parents psychological experts. Many a times the results deduced by a survey are not 100% accurate due to the answers not being stated with honesty. Often parents hide their childrenââ¬â¢s problems so as to cast a positive likeable image in front of others. Thus, giving false information diluting the research. Further investigation should be planned executed to fully extract the true happenings. This can help in contriving the broadcast of media to promote positive points among its viewers. The studies should be devised with a broad view so as to cover all the aspects whether good or bad. Often the experts do not co-operate with the evaluators therefore the end results lack professional guidelines. Expert opinion is always required to cement the result of surveys strengthen the evaluation. à The researches conducted in schools proved to be quite remarkable helped in collecting physical psychological health of the children. The information given was backed by the annual report cards examination results of each student. More studies should be conducted in different level schools. It provides a beneficial lead in devising theories regarding the children. Future directions for research Further research is needed in this field and especially research must be conducted to study the effect of media on developmental psychology of children. Future research will reveal how violence in media is affecting children and the related frequency of occurrence of abnormal psychological disorders. This will help taking further steps to stop such media violence and avoid psychological problems. à The research conducted proves that moderate television viewing with parents check is rather favorable for the young children. The media can be used as an effective tool in teaching developing sound habits in children through parental guidance proper planning of the mediumââ¬â¢s people. Parents can use the specific shows as guidelines to satisfy the childââ¬â¢s inquisition. Watching programs with good values ethics on TV can help the children understand the right way to behave. à However the media is being used in a limited way, the variety of messages that can be incorporated through the medium is being ignored. Changes must be designed to use the medium in a finest way. The gaps left by this research evaluation should be fulfilled by further researches that are extensively conducted. à Advertising entertainment industries represent the culture spirit of the respective country to the rest of the world must not be used casually. Parents teachers should come up with strategies to create a sense of understanding in the children from an early age.à The parents should realize what effects the movies content on TV are having on their children try to minimize TV viewing at home level. Some ways that may be incorporated by parents to limit childrenââ¬â¢s revelation to violence are: Restricting keeping a check on what their children view on TV Discussing the programs with older children or young adults to clear their minds of any confusion help them in expressing their opinions. Start a family oriented time by going for picnics, organizing a special lunch or dinner. Allow the children to watch TV for a selected time period only programs that are desirable for their viewing. Offer criticism on TV channels sponsors for showing in appropriate programs or content so as to force them to use proper censorship. Conclusion à The effects whether positive or negative concerning todayââ¬â¢s media are out in the open. It is the duty of every individual to counter such issues raise their voices to control them. Many researches experiments are being conducted to realize the short-term long-term effects of violent media. Feelings of hostility, revenge, anger sprout in a young mind provoke him or her to retaliate. Many reasons that promote violence on media are present. Often the viewer the broadcaster thinks the effect is too minute to make a difference in anyoneââ¬â¢s mind, nevertheless children are affected by the smallest of acts without worrying about its positive or negative aspect. The media declaring that that there is no understanding of the definition of violence among the people continue to showcase the explicit content. They further comprehend by saying they show what the people want to watch. Believing that violence shown on media is simply showcasing real life. This is mostly observed in news channels movies, where gruesome details of murder accidents are shown openly. Parents allow children to view violent content in the name of comedy, many well-liked shows illustrate this example such as the ever popular tom jerry cartoon which shows both the characters beating or pummeling each other References Anon., (May 28, 2003) Preventing violence by teaching non-violent problem-solving American Psychological Association, [accessed 1st December 2007] Anon, (February 19, 2004) Violence in the media psychologists helps protect children from harmful effects American Psychological Association [accessed 1st December 2007] Donald E. Cook, (September 13, 2000) Testimony of the American academy of pediatrics on media violence presented to the U.S. senate commerce committee Douglas A. Gentile, David A. Walsh, Paul R. Ellison, Michelle Fox Jennifer Cameron (May, 2004) Media violence as a risk factor for children: a longitudinal study presented to the American Psychological Society 16th Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois- pgs 2-5 Jean Tepperman, [January-February 1997]. What do children learn from media violence? Childrens Advocate newsmagazine, Action Alliance for Children Action Alliance for Children [accessed 1st December 2007] Joanne Cantor, (April 19, 2002). The psychological effects of media violence on children and adolescents Presented at the Colloquium on Television and Violence in Society Kenneth W. Merrell, (1999) Assessment of other behavioral, social, and emotional problems: Behavioral, Social and Emotional Assessment of Children and Adolescents Lawrence Erlbaum Associates- Mahwah, NJ. Publication chapter 11, pg 275 Laura B. Clark (2007) Influence on children media history of media for children, general considerations, studies of media influence, domains of influence, recommendations Education Encyclopedia Moataz M. Abdel- Fattah Abdel-Rahman A. Asal, (August 13, 2006) Prevalence, symptomatology, and risk factors for depression among high school students in Saudi Arabia copyright à © 2005 Europes Journal of Psychology [Accessed 1st December 2007] Wendy L. Josephson, (February 1995) Television violence: aà review of the effects on children of different ages for the Department of Canadian Heritage Reprinted with permission, by the Media Awareness Network. September 1997 [accessed on 1st December 2007]
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief | Analysis
Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief | Analysis Percy Jackson the Olympians book 1 The Lightning Thief is an interesting novel which becomes the foundation of this study. The demigod Percy who is created from authors imagination becomes the main subject in this study. Percy is described as someone who starts from zero to hero. His struggle, adventure and the way he learns to be a hero in connection with his maturity will be the very concern of the study. Therefore, this study concerns the individuation process of Percy. The Greek mythology is the part of western civilization. In the novel, the use of mythological elements can be seen in, for example, Percy Jackson as he discovers he is a demigod, the son of a mortal woman and the Greek god Poseidon. Percy sinks in confusing situation when the world put him on the position of a hero. Percy and his friends go on a quest to prevent a war between the Greek gods Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. Meanwhile, he just begins to learn how to be a hero the responsibility to save the world is on his shoulder. There are many psychological problems faced by Percy. Percy leaves his messy life as a naughty student in his school where he is popular as a freak student who has dyslexia and hyperactive (ADHD) problem. Percy is not good at all lessons but Latin. He is supported by Mr. Brunner the only teacher that cares about him to learn Latin. Days in school are always disturbed by Nancy Bobofit. The only one who has the same problem is Grover. Grover is Percys best friend who always hides behind Percy. His trouble is complicated by Mrs. Dodds who has personal vengeance on him. Because of these things, Percy becomes the saddest student in Yancy Academy, North New York. Percys terrible days in school continues when he stays at home. His step father Gabe Ugliano is his immortal enemy. Gabe never wants to work. He always plays poker and drinks beer with his friends at home. It makes the house full of trashes and smell. One thing he cares about is to ask some money from Percy as he never wins the poker game. He never respects Percy. Instead, he always insults and undermines any things Percy has done. Therefore, Percy never feels the love from his step father, Gabe Ugliano. The only one who cares about and loves him is his mother, Sally Jackson. She is the one who makes Percy survive in such terrible condition. She is the one who supports Percy to go on his terrible days. When Percy remembers his mother, he always feels happy and peaceful. With regard to the fact above, we can see terrible psychological conditions in Percys life. Moreover, he has to survive and to face all of those terrible situations. Therefore, the maturity process that Percy undergoes is therefore worth studying. Percys maturity process will be analyzed in this study by using the theory of individuation process from Carl Gustav Jung. Then, the writer proposes a study entitled Percy Jackson The Olympians The Lightning Thief: The Individuation Process of the Demigod Percy FIELD OF THE STUDY The field of this study is literature, especially novel. SCOPE OF THE STUDY The paper will only be focused on the demigod Percy Jackson, his experiences and adventures, which have connection with his maturity process preparing him to be a hero. In this study, his maturity process will be analyzed using the theory of individuation process of Carl Gustav Jung. PROBLEM FORMULATION How does a twelve year old boy become a hero in this story? To what extend is Percys maturity described in the novel based on Jungian analysis? 1.5. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY To explain how the twelve year old boy becomes a hero in this study. To explain to what extent Percys maturity is described in the novel based on Jungian analysis. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY In this study, the writer hopes that readers can understand the individuation process that happens in the story. This paper can also give an opportunity for scholars such as students of Faculty of Letters to analyze this novel using Jungian theory or alike. DEFINITION OF TERMS There are some terms throughout the study which must be known to better understand the issue in this paper, such as: Twelve Olympians The Greeks didnt have a Top Ten list of deities but they did have the Top Twelve those lucky Greek gods and goddesses living on top of Mount Olympus. (Regula, 2008, à ¶ 2). Demigod Demigod is an official terms of half God and half mortal human (Riordan, 2006, p.72). Individuation Process The individuation process is a term created by the famous psychologist Carl Gustav Jung to describe the process of becoming aware of oneself, of ones make-up, and the way to discover ones true, inner self (Blake, 2012, à ¶ 1) Maturity The quality of becoming more developed mentally and emotionally and behaving in a responsible way (Good, 2008, p.885). CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1. The Theory of individuation process by Carl Gustav Jung The main topic of the theory of individuation process is about psyche. Human always try to fulfill his psyche satisfying. Human behavior influenced by his psyche character. Jung called it the individuation process in which the potential of a persons psyche is seeking fulfillment (Mitchell, 2010, à ¶ 14). From the text above Jung tries to explore the psyche character and divided it into 2 parts: Conscious Conscious is adjustment to the outside world (Suryabrata, 1983, p. 184). Means that Conscious adapted and formed by outside world or social environment. Unconscious Unconscious is adjustment to the inside world (Suryabrata, 1983, p. 184). Means that Unconscious is the part of psyche that rules the relationship between human and his own self. The border between conscious and unconscious is not fixed. It can changed anytime depends on the change of persons psychology. Conscious and unconscious cannot separate because they influence each other. They have different characteristic. Jung explores more to know it and explain it through its structure. 2.1.1. Conscious Structure There are two parts of psyche which build our consciousness. First is Psyche Function and second is Psyche Attitude. Both of them have relation which determining the classification of persons conscious structure. Kesadaran mempunyai dua komponen pokok, yaitu fungsi jiwa dan sikap jiwa, yang masing-masing mempunyai peranan penting dalam orientasi manusia dalam dunianya (Suryabrata, 1983, p. 185) Translation: Consciousness has two main components, that is psyche function and psyche attitude, which both of them have important role in the human orientation and his world (Suryabrata, 1983, p. 185) Psyche Function According to Suryabrata (1983, p. 185) the conscious structure by Jung is a psyche activity which in theory is unchanged in different environment. Furthermore Jung divided it into four main functions, two of them are rational, that is thinking and feeling, and irrational, that is sensing and intuitive. The rational functions work with judgment. Thinking is judging on the basis of right or wrong and feeling is judging on the basis of pleasant and unpleasant condition. Whereas the irrational functions do not work with judgment, how over they just get observation. Sensing gets observation by using sense and intuitive gets observation using instinct. Basically, human have all of that function, but usually just one of them that would be the most dominant. In addition, the ideal destination from Individuation process is to bring it into balance, with the result to achieve a rounded human or a perfect human. Psyche Attitude Jung (1921/1971) defined an attitude as a predisposition to act or react in a characteristic direction (Feist and Feist, 2009, p. 115). The direction of the activity of psychological can go outside or inside and similarly happen with the orientation. Everybody does the orientation with the world around him, however they have different way to do that. For example, there is some one who will directly close the window if cold wind blowing, but probably the others will not close the window because they do not care about it or are not afraid to be cold because of it. There are people who care about what happens outside himself, but there are also people who are not too concerned with what happens outside himself. In conclusion, from the psyche attitude, human can be divided into two types that are extravert and introvert. One of the most widely used psychological typologies, which of the psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung refers to individuals are introvert and extraverts (Munn 1962, p. 235). Extravert Human An extrovert human influenced by objective opinions, which come from world outside himself or society. His thinking, feeling and also his actions mainly determined by his social society as well as his non-social society. He will act positively with society. Consequently, he is more easily accepted in society. Introvert Human An introvert human is influenced by his own subjective world. He does not care enough to the issues in his outside world. Introverts are tuned in to their inner world with all his biases, fantasies, dreams, and individual perception (Feist and Feist, 2009, p. 116). These people perceive the external world but they do it selectively with their own subjective view. Consequently, usually an introvert is being antisocial and hard to build a relationship. Jungs Typology Based on two components of human psyche, Jung created Jung Typology (Suryabrata (1983, p.191) Psyche Attitude Psyche Function Type Unconscious Extravert Thinking Thinking Extravert Feeling Introvert Feeling Feeling Extravert Thinking Introvert Sensing Sensing Extravert Intuitive Introvert Intuitive Intuitive Extravert Sensing Introvert Introvert Thinking Thinking Introvert Feeling Extravert Feeling Feeling Introvert Thinking Extravert Sensing Sensing Introvert Intuitive Extravert Intuitive Intuitive Introvert Sensing Extravert He insisted that each person has both of an introverted and extraverted attitude, although one may be conscious while the other is unconscious (Feist and Feist, 2009, p. 115). Unconscious life is contrary with the conscious, so one whose conscious is thinking his unconscious is feeling, next, one whose conscious is extrovert his unconscious is introvert, so the next. Persona The explanations above about conscious are the real condition of conscious, but there still have one problem. The problem is how person consciously show or bring his personality to socialize with outside world or society. The persona, according to Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, is the mask that individuals wear to hide their true selves from society (Maverick, 2010, à ¶ 1). So, can be concluded that persona is the way of the people to show his personality to his society based on what he wants other people see of him. 2.1.2. Unconscious Structure Suryabrata (1983, p. 193) said that Jung has divided unconscious into two circles. The first one is personal unconscious and the other is collective unconscious. Personal Unconscious Continued from Suryabrata (1983, p. 193),states that personal unconscious contains things that are acquired by individuals during their lives. This includes things that are forced or distressed (recessive complex) and forgotten things (memory materials) as well as things that are observed, thought about and felt below the threshold of consciousness. So, whole personal life experiences create the personal unconscious. Collective Unconscious The collective unconscious is the foundation of personality (Morgan and King and Robinson 1984, p. 523). Collective unconscious term introduced by psychiatrist Carl Jung to represent a form of the unconscious (that part of the mind containing memories and impulses of which the individual is not aware) common to mankind as a whole and originating in the inherited structure of the brain. It is contrast from the personal unconscious, which arises from the experience of the individual. The collective unconscious is beliefs or acts or ideas which are trusted and done by ancestor such as concept of god, manner of behavior, myths, legend, unspoken rules, etc. The physical contents of the collective unconscious are inherited and pass from generation to the next as physical potential (Feist and Feist, 2009, p. 104) Unconscious is the things that unawareness. Then, how can we recognize or know our unconscious. Adopted from Suryabrata (1983, p. 194), acknowledge about unconscious found not directly, that is belong the manifestation from the contents of consciousness. The unconscious manifestation can be form such as symptom and complex, dream, and archetypes. Unconscious Manifestation Symptom and Complexes Symptom and complex are the indications which can be realized. Symtom adalah tanda bahaya yang memberitahu bahwa ada sesuatu dalam kesadaran yang kurang, dan karenanya perlu perlu perluasan ke alam tak sadar. Kompleks-kompleks adalah bagian kejiwaan kepribadian yang terpecah dan lepas dari penilikan (control) kesadaran dan kemudian mempunyai kehidupan sendiri dalam kegelapan alam ketidaksadaran, yang selalu dapat menghambat atau memajukan prestasi-prestasi kesadaran (Suryabrata 1983, p. 196). (Symptom is a dangerous sign that tells that there is something in less consciousness, and therefore need to have an extension to the unconscious. These complexes are parts of a split personality and mental escape from viewing (control) and then have the awareness of his own life in the natural darkness of the unconscious, which always can inhibit or promote the achievements of consciousness) (Suryabrata 1983, p. 196). Complexes not always being a weaknesses of personality because it is just a part of individual which can not unity and complexes can be a stimulant too, which push us to work harder and increase the possibility to being success. Jung adds in Suryabrata (1983, p. 197) that complexes are traumatic experiences such as the apparent impossibility to accept our self condition in life. So, traumatic experience can make people down and being hopeless or pessimistic but also can make people struggle to stand up again and improve his life better then being an optimistic person. Dream, Fantasy, Imagination Some people believe that dream is a secret message from life. The other believed that dream just a desire or will which can not be realized then enter to our mind when we sleep. Dream has his own rule and his own language. In a dream causality and time and space is can not applied. So, dream always being a mystery which hard to interpret. Based on Suryabrata (1983, p. 197) Jungs opinion about dream is that dream has constructive function, that is to compensate the objection side by side from conflict. Dream is manifestation of complexes unconscious. Beside of that Jung also said that fantasy and imagination are kind of complexes manifestation. Archetypes Jung adopted word archetypes from Agustinus that Archetypes is form of instinctive opinion and instinctive reaction to certain situation in outside consciousness. In addition, Archetypes are carried since people are born and grow in collective unconscious during human development and not defend from one person (Suryabrata 1983, p. 198). Special Form of Unconscious Shadows Shadow is the dark side and unacceptable side from someone personality-motive and embarrassing desire, we better not show them to other person (Friedman and Schustack 2008, p. 130). Inside the personality exists the shadow. Shadow is the dark side of personality. Shadows are unrealized weaknesses. Shadows bring his own opinions which are entered into his unconscious because it cannot match or accepted by his conscious. The shadow archetype is also responsible for the appearance in consciousness and behavior unpleasant and socially reprehensible thoughts, feelings, and actions. These then may either be hidden from public view by the persona or repressed into the personal unconscious (Hall and Lindzey, 1978, p. 123). Projection : Imago Adopting information from Suryabrata (1983, p. 200), Jung named the content of psyche which projected to other people are imago. So that, imago is a judgment which unconsciously we addressed to the objects outside our self. Anima and Animus Two important archetypes are anima which represents the feminine side of human nature and the animus which represents the masculine side of human nature. Jung taught that all persons have the masculine and feminine archetypes in their collective unconscious (Larsen and Buss, 2005, p. 278). Every person has both of anima and animus. For example: A man who chose cooking as a hobby is show that his anima stronger than his animus but still has both of them. Otherwise, if a man is prefer to choose basketball than cooking as his hobby that is show that his animus stronger than animus and the same things goes to women. CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1. Method of data collection Reading and understanding the novel is the first step that the writer takes. After the first reading, the writer tries to read the novel for the second time. The method of the second reading is very helpful for making the understanding of the writer about the novel, especially for knowing its intrinsic elements better than the first reading. The writer makes a note of the novel for making him easy to remember the information he got from reading the novel. After that, the writer chose the temporary title and topic which will be highlighted. In studying the novel and in writing this thesis, the writer also conducted a library research to collect the data and information, which includes the use of the internet resources. In the beginning, the writer searched the materials after deciding what study to do and which approach to use. The next step was searching and collecting the individuation process theory of Carl Gustav Jung used to analyze the book, from the book in library or observed from the internet. In a library, usually the writer spends about two hours to search for the right materials needed for the study. Then, the writer borrowed the books home. In analyzing the literary work, the writer needs a material to use as the entity of the writers analysis. The primary data, that becomes the object of the writers study, is the novel. The novel used in this analysis is: Genre : Adventure Title : Percy Jackson The Olympians The Lightning Thief Author : Rick Riordan Publisher : Miramax Books City : New York Year : 2006 Pages : 453 3.2. Method of Data analysis In analyzing the study, especially in answering the first research questions, the writer explores the intrinsic elements of novel. Next, collects all of factors that support the first research question from intrinsic elements. Especially, plot and the character are explored more to find the strength of Percy character. Beside that, the writer will get the evidents that prove the capability of Percy which support him to be a hero. Finally, the writer connects it with the first research question to find the answer. To find the answer from the second research question the writer uses the psychological approach by choosing Jungs individuation process theory. The writer finds that individuation process theory of Jung is suitable and very useful to connect and explain the idea about the maturity process of Percy. In the way to search it, firstly, the writer tries to learn the behaviors of Percy in the novel and his psyche characteristic. Next, analyze Percys conscious structure and unconscious structure. Compare his experience with the points of conscious structure and unconscious structure. Find the superior psyche function of Percy. Then, classify Percy in Jungs Typology. After that, the writer decide that Percys individuation process can prove that Percy is mature enough to make twelve years old boy become a hero and save the world to answer the second question. Remember, if someone can make psyche function being balance it means that he is the perfect one. CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Individuation Process Analysis The maturity of Percy will be described by the Jungian Individuation process theory. Individuation process of Percy was shown by his psyche condition. In the way to know it, we should explore two main element of psyche which is conscious and unconscious. Percys conscious and unconscious will analyze thoroughly in this chapter. 4.1.1. Conscious Conscious element of Percy will be dividing into two main groups which is psyche function and psyche attitude. The writer will find evident from Percys novel to support the classification of this two main groups. Next, it will be classified into Jung typology. After find Percys conscious type in Jung typology, the writer will analyze Percys persona in order to find his way to show his consciousness in social interaction. Finally the writer will definitely conclude the Percys conscious type and condition. Psyche Function Percy psyche function dominated with rational thinking. Percy judging something with based of rational things. Percy usually calculates one thing and make conclusion based on his logic. He is hard to belief something which out of his logical. It shows in quotations below. All year long, Id gotten fights, keeping bullies from him. Id lost sleep worrying that hed get beaten up next year without me. And here he was acting like he was the one who defended me (Riordan, 2006, p. 19). This paragraph showing us that Percy is hard to belief when Grover said that he was the one who always protect him because he thinks that Grover is the one he always protects and Grover cannot pass a single day without his protection. But theyre stories, I said. Theyre myths, to explain lightning and the seasons and stuff. Theyre what people belief before there was science (Riordan, 2006, p. 51). When Chiron told Percy that Greek Gods truly existed, Percy denied it. Percy has no imagination that it could be happened in real life. Again, he rejects to belief something which out of his calculates. Percy has lack of imagination. He always stuck with usual condition which he usually faces. He always tries to get rational reason for every fact he faces. It makes him hard to belief illogical things happen to him. Based on psyche function theory Percy include in rational thinking categories. Psyche Attitude Percy is an introvert person. He usually hides his true feeling. He hides his fears. He always tries to look strong and brave. He hides his sadness but in deep of his heart he suffers. He always tries to look confident even he fell not sure will be success. He does not care about his mission, about god, indeed world. He just cares about his mother because he thinks that mother is the only person he has. Next, the writer will analyze deeply and shows the evident which show Percy as an introvert person. First is the fact that Percy admires his mother. My mother can make me feel good just by walking into the room (Riordan, 2006, p. 24). Even he loves her very much, Percy still hides his feeling that he feels so happy because his mother is so careful to him. I told her that she was smothering me, and to lay off and all that, but secretly, I was really, really glad to see her (Riordan, 2006, p.25). Its become habit of Percy to hide his true feeling so he can be looked as a mature, a tough, a brave and a strong person. For her sake, I tried to sound upbeat about my last days at Yancy Academy (Riordan, 2006, p. 25). Again he hides his true suffer in his school to his mother because he does not want make his mother worried about him. He also hides his last sentence from Oracles prophecy that told that he will fail to save what matters most, in the end, in page 106 because he does not want if every one have doubt of him to done his mission successfully. The other reason why Percy is included in Introvert categorize is shown when he declare to Grover his true purpose that he go to underworld not to complete his task to find the master bolt but just for personal reason to save his mother life by bringing out her from underworld. What lay ahead of me was worse than petrification. I havent straight with you, I told Grover. I dont care about the master bolt. I agreed to go to the underworld so I could bring back my mother (Riordan, 2006, p. 144). Percy does not care about what will happen to the world if he fails to complete his mission. It does not matter for him if Zeus and Poseidon drag into a battle because the most important thing for Percy is his beloved mother. He blinds by his passion to save his mother, just like an introvert who do not care with world outside himself. Jung Typologies Psyche Attitude Psyche Function Type Unconscious Extravert Thinking Thinking Extravert Feeling Introvert Feeling Feeling Extravert Thinking Introvert Sensing Sensing Extravert Intuitive Introvert Intuitive Intuitive Extravert Sensing Introvert Introvert Thinking Thinking Introvert Feeling Extravert Feeling Feeling Introvert Thinking Extravert Sensing Sensing Introvert Intuitive Extravert Intuitive Intuitive Introvert Sensing Extravert Based on Jung Typology, Percy can be categorized as a thinking introvert person. Persona Percys persona will be going to be analyzed based on his social interaction in the novel. In socialize, even though has less of ability Percy always tries to protect his friend. He always shows no fear in his face. In social interaction he is being the person who care about all of his friends problems meanwhile actually he has a lot of personal problem which waiting to solve. Percy tries to be a steadfast person. He pushes and hides his sadness, fears and weakness to be a strong person whom never surrenders to any of hard condition. There are some texts in the novel which show Percys persona. I was alone. An orphan. I would have to live with à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ Smelly Gabe? No. That would never happen. I would live in the streets first. I would pretend I was seventeen and join the army. Id do something (Riordan, 2006, p. 45). In the text above we can see that Percy is a steadfast person. After his mother died he refuses to surrender to live. He will stand on his own foot to trough his rest of live. He shows his steadfast face to the Grover. Grover was still sniffling. The poor kid-the poor goat, satyr, whatever-looked as if he expected to be hit. I said, It wasnt your fault (Riordan, 2006, p. 45). Although Percy feels sad when his mother died he does not blaming Grover. He refuse that his friend Grover is responsible to his mothers death whereas Grover ordered to protect him and his mother. He is belief that he should be the one who protecting his mother and his friends. Next text, Percy pushes his fear and shows his courage in front of his admired girl Annabeth Case. He rejects Annabeths help because he want to shows that he is a gentleman and a brave person. Stay out of it, wise girl. Annabeth looked pained, but she did stay out of it, and I didnt really want her help. I was the new kid. I had to earn my own rep (Riordan, 2006, p. 68). 4.1.2. Unconscious The next analyze is to find out two points of unconscious which is personal and collective unconscious and see how it manifested based on information get from novel. For addition, the writer also analyzes the special form of unconscious to complete the unconscious element of Percy. Personal Unconscious In his journey in the novel, there are some personal experiences which give deep impression and influence his maturity development in relation with Percys personal unconscious. First fight versus monster (Riordan, 2006, p. 10). Percys first experience facing monster is in Metropolitan Museum of Art. His mathematic teacher Mrs. Dodds turning into a Fury and attack him. Then the weirdest thing happened. Her eyes began to glow like barbeque coals. Her fingers stretched, turning into talon. Her jacket melted into large, leathery wings. She wasnt human. She was a shriveled hag with bat wings and claws and mouth full of yellow fangs, and she was about to slice me to ribbons (Riordan, 2006, p. 10). This time Percy firstly consider that monster is real and they go after him for some reason. Death of his mother and battle versus Minotaur (Riordan, 2006, p. 40, 41). Then, with an angry roar, the monster closed his fist around my mothers neck, and she dissolved before my eyes, melting into light, a shimmering golden form, as if she were a holographic projection. A blinding flash and she was simply gone (Riordan, 2006, p. 40). Death of his mother gave him deep impression. Without knowing the reason why, Percy saw his mother killed by Minotaur. He does nothing to save her because he too afraid. But, this accident is waking up his courage to revenge and fight the Minotaur or any others monster. Anger replaced my fear, newfound strength burned in my limbs (Riordan, 2006, p. 41). Met the Oracle and got his first mission (Riordan, 2006, p. 106). You shall go west, and face the god who has turned. You shall find what was stolen, and see it safely returned. You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend. And you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end (Riordan, 2006, p. 106). The Oracle read him the prophecy. It will become the guide to complete his mission. But, Percy feels desperate because two last sentences told that he will betrayed by his friend and will failed in the end. Even he thought that it is suicide mission his courage pushes him to keep straight to do the quest. Gotten ambush by 3 Furies (Riordan, 2006, p. 121-125). They are the first challenge Percys face in the mission. At this time Percy learn to work together with his two friends to defeat the monsters. Both of his friend ready to sacrifice so Percy can escape from that monster. But, after his mothers death Percy promise not to escape anymore and even should be death he will stay to save everything important in his life. I looked at the open doorway, I was free to go, but I couldnt leave my friends (Riordan, 2006, p. 124).
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Comparison of Economic Systems: Germany and the UAE
Comparison of Economic Systems: Germany and the UAE Introduction ââ¬Å"Economy is the state of a country or region in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services, and the supply of moneyâ⬠(Oxford Dictionaries 2012). Before profound studying about the mentioned countries one important aspect should be taken into consideration the similarity between these two countries is their critical role in their region, both of those countries has a significant influence on the political and economy climate in their respective regions. Germany is located in Central Europe, south of Denmark, between Poland and the Netherlands. It has a direct access to North and Baltic seas. The countrys total area is 357,022 and the population around 82 million people. Historically, Germany has evolved couple of unifications and reunifications including the last one in 1990. Excellent infrastructure, location, skilled workforce and moderate wage rate make Germany very attractive for business. Notwithstanding, there are some environmental problems, such as air and water pollution, soil erosion, diminishing biodiversity and shortage of resources. The United Arab Emirates is located on the eastern part of Arabian Peninsula and shares borders with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the south, Oman to the east and sea sharing borders with Qatar. Also, country has a direct access to Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean. The UAEs total area is much smaller, only 83,600 sq. km. The United Arab Emirates thrift and stability is substantiating by its considerable oil wealth that was discovered in 1960th, most of which is concentrated in Abu Dhabi the countrys capital (ââ¬Å"United Arab Emirates profileââ¬â¢ 2012). Although, the UAE will remain be contingent on the oil reserves for many years to come, nevertheless, its level of dependency is gradually declining. The main role in development was taken by Dubai, which has become a regional financial, commercial powerhouse and o one the prime tourism centers of the Gulf Region. Moreover, a strong combination of oil prices, plentiful financial and fiscal resources, political stability, regulator y reforms and infrastructure development will backing the UAEs country risk profile. Germany represents a federal parliamentary, representative republic with a six main political parties, dominated by the Christian Democratic Union, the Christian Social Union of Bavaria and the Social Democratic parties. The head of the government who exercises executive power is a Chancellor Angela Merkel. Nevertheless, due to the fact that Germany is a member of European Union and G8, policies are subordinated with those organizations. As the biggest economy in Europe, Germany contributes 25% of Eurozones GDP. The political structure of the United Arab Emirates is a federation of seven monarchical emirates. His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan is an emir of Abu Dhabi and the President of the country. The federal system of government includes the President, the Prime Minister, the Supreme Council, Crown Princes and Deputy Rulers, the Federal National Council,the Council of Ministers (UAE Government 2012). Although, Germany has the second largest population in Europe, it faces an aging population. This implies some long term problems, such as increase in governmental welfare expenditures, healthcare expenses, pensionââ¬â¢s payments and loss in income tax. Nevertheless, countrys immigration policies and laws set up favorable conditions for immigrants, and immigration rate exceeds emigration level. 10% of Germanys population consists of non-native nations, such as Turkish, Greek, Italian, Russian, Polish, Spanish and Serbo-Croatian. According to World Bank, UAEââ¬â¢s locals constitute only 16.5% of the total population. Meanwhile, the number of expatriates increasing over time, Indians accounts the biggest part with a 1.7 million people. Also, most of native representatives tend to work in public sectors, benefiting with a higher salaries, shorter working hours, greater job security, while 98% of private-sector workplaces are occupied by expatriates. As the graphs below represent the population pyramids for compared countries, we can mention the aging population in Germany, as was described previously. Also we pay attention on difference in population composition of those countries. Almost in every age group Germanyââ¬â¢s population is somewhat balanced between male and female genders. On the other hand, we can see the drastic difference between male and female composition of United Arab Emiratesââ¬â¢ population. Age groups from 20-64 is highly dominated by males; this caused by the fact that most of them are expatriates and they are coming to the country in search of a job, leaving their families in home countries. Source: US Census Bureau, International Data base (IDB) GDP Growth The economy of Germany continues to be based on individual consumption and going to strengthen by further investments, meanwhile next exports is still deterring growth. Germany has been decreased its dependence on exports in recent years. In addition, the Social Democratic Party has successfully pushed for an expenditure increase in infrastructural, educational sectors, as well as pension increase and minimum-wage regulation across all country by 2015. Eurozoneââ¬â¢s debt-crisis caused uncertainty on consumersââ¬â¢ confidence and future expectations about their personal finances. Income is continuing to be supported by stable employment and increase in average wages. Also the expected perseverance of historically low interest rates will reinforce investment growth during upcoming years. Cheap mortgages will robust construction industry. Exports will recover during 2014, but the Eurozone crisis and geopolitical conflicts in the Ukraine and the Middle East are limiting scope. Although consecutive economic stabilization in the European Union will permit German exports to strengthen, the spikes in rebound trend during end of 2013 and beginning of 2014 ââ¬â the natural structure of European debt crisis which in turn will limit the speed and vigour of export recovery. Furthermore, incandesce of Ukrainian situation and possible further escalations of actions in Iraq are incrementing worldââ¬â¢s uncertainty and keeps internati onal trade back. The expected growth of the GDP of UAE is 4.3% in current year. Compared to the previous year the GDP growth, the highest after Great Recession, has declined. Economic growth had a strong acceleration in 2013 of 5.2%, but then economy faces some difficulties. Oil GDP expands only at a 1.8% rate this year, following 4.8% in 2013. With average global price of $109 per barrel in 2014, UAE oil output ââ¬â which concentrated within the Abu Dhabi emirate ââ¬â is going to reach around 2.7-2.8 million barrels per day. Non-oil sectors of the economy will continue to outrun growth driven by oil extraction. Activity in the non-oil sector has been steadily recovering following the downturn in 2009 and will continue to be the driving force of the economyââ¬â¢s growth momentum in 2014. Non-oil GDP is continuing holding on the same level as in 2013 ââ¬â approximately 5.4%. The UAE has economy is relatively stable amid the disorder in the region. The key non-oil activities such as tourism, retail, and service help to drive the growth. Manufacturing activities led by aluminium and petrochemical industries is going to strengthen the following years. Also strong economic conditions will benefit both the transport and trade sectors. Real estate and construction sectors also improved along with overall market conditions. Infrastructure and development projects also had an additional motivation with Dubaiââ¬â¢s award of next Expo city. A set of regulations implemented by authorities will help against a repeat of a boom cycles in Dubai. All these facts regarding Expo 2020 should provide a platform for a stable growth in tourism, construction, transport and hospitality industries in next 5 years. 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Germany -0.38% 1.16% 0.68% 3.70% 3.27% 1.08% -5.14% 4.01% 3.33% 6.89% 4.32% UAE 8.80% 9.57% 4.86% 9.84% 3.18% 3.19% -4.80% 1.67% 3.88% 4.37% .. GDP by type of Expenditure According to the expenditure approach of calculation of Gross Domestic Product, it equals to the sum of such components as consumption (C), investment (I), government purchases (G), and net export, i.e. difference between export and import (NX): Y=C+I+G+NX. Germany UAE Gross capital formation (% of GDP) 17.26 22.66 General government final consumption expenditure (% of GDP) 19.29 6.90 Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (% of GDP) 57.53 49.75 Net Export (% of GDP) 5.92 20.68 Inflation UAE consumer inflation surpassed the 2% mark in April for the first time in five years, according to the National Bureau of Statistics. Housing price inflation was relatively continual with 2.6% year on year in May; Dubaiââ¬â¢s inflation has lowered to 3.7% compared to 4.9% in April. Real estate has become the main inflation driver in UAE, excelling food price inflation of 2.1%, even as food prices are increasing at 0.9$ rate per month. Consumer inflation is soon averaging 2.2% in 2014. The recovery of housing prices reflects the prolonged downturn in the real estate market. The annual inflation rate is expected to soar up to 3% by the end of 2014. Mildness of worldââ¬â¢s commodity prices is going to benefit the inflationary pressures. The United Arab Emirates could face higher problems in their inflation outlook if commodity and food prices go up. 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Germany 2.6% 0.3% 1.1% 2.1% 2.0% UAE 12.3% 1.6% 0.9% 0.9% 0.7% Germanyââ¬â¢s nationwide inflation should remain at a very kind level between 1% and 2% in near future. Following the consumer prices inflation leaped from a 22-year low of -0.5% in 2009 to around 2.5% in 2011, the economic deceleration caused by the Europeââ¬â¢s debt crisis during 2012 and early 2013 have led to a softening below 1.5% that will remain during 2014. On balance, core inflation should move broadly sideways to around 1.5% during 2014, as a boosting effect from the Germanyââ¬â¢s economic recovery is offset by the continuing restraints of the Eurozone debt crisis, also the anticipated downward tendency of oil prices due to global supply factors. Although, monetary policy of the European Central Bank (ECB) will be much lighter than Germanyââ¬â¢s economy is demanding. Germansââ¬â¢ traditional disinclines to inflation should limit the extent to which Germanyââ¬â¢s inflation will exceed the European average. Also, inflation will be stacked the level ECB considers unproblematic. Also due to pressure on ECB to buy Eurozoneââ¬â¢s governmentsââ¬â¢ bonds and to allow higher inflation rates is enduring upward economic risk within the region. 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Germany 96.1 98.6 98.9 100 102.1 UAE 87 97.6 99.1 100 100.9 Human Development Index The Human Development Index summarizes the long-term development of a particular country or region. It includes three basic parameters: living standard, knowledge accessibility and health and longevity. The HDI is primarily based on international data provided by the United Nations Population Division, the United Nations Educational. In year 2013, The United Arab Emirates had a very high HDI value of 0.827ââ¬â which places the country on 40 out of 187 countries. From the very beginning of its existence as a government, the United Arab Emirates HDI had value increased from 0.640 to 0.827, and soared up for 29.2 percent. This gives us the average increase of about 0.78 percent per year. The Table below reviews the United Arab Emirates progress of the HDI indicator. Between 1980 and 2013, that was achieved by couple of factors: the United Arab Emirates life expectancy at birth increased by 9.2 years, average years of schooling increased by 5.5 years and expected years of studying increased by 4.7 years. On the other hand, the United Arab Emirates GNI per capita has decreased by about 62.2 percent between 1980 and 2013, due to tremendous increase in expatriate population. UAE Germany GNI per capita (2011 PPP$) HDI value GNI per capita (2011 PPP$) HDI value 1980 153,654 0.64 25,588 0.739 1985 139,421 0.686 27,355 0.752 1990 97,141 0.725 31,002 0.782 1995 102,203 0.764 32,643 0.825 2000 103,798 0.797 35,497 0.854 2005 104,668 0.823 37,259 0.887 2010 57,360 0.824 40,542 0.904 2011 56,393 0.824 41,907 0.908 2012 57,095 0.825 42,965 0.911 2013 58,068 0.827 43,049 0.911 The recent Germanyââ¬â¢s HDI value is 0.911ââ¬â which in turns is one of the highest on the globe ââ¬âpositioning the country at 6 out of 187 countries and territories. Taking the same time range as for UAE, 1980 and 2013, Germanyââ¬â¢s HDI value increased from 0.739 to 0.911, an increase of 23.3 percent or an average annual increase of about 0.64 percent. This in comparison to UAE is slightly lower. The table reviews Germanyââ¬â¢s progress in the HDI index. The increase in HDI is consisting of: Germanyââ¬â¢s life expectancy at birth increased by 7.7 years, mean years of schooling increased by 7.2 years and expected years of schooling increased by 1.9 years. In terms of GNI, Germanyââ¬â¢s per capita increased by about 68.2 conversely to UAE, during the same period of time.
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