Friday, December 27, 2019
Solar System and Gravity - 1112 Words
The Effects of Gravity There are some people who worry that when they re outside, if they don t keep a good grip on the ground, they ll just go flinging off into space. They needn t really worry about this, because gravity generally keeps that sort of thing from happening. The thing is, no one is really sure what causes gravity, but the effects have been studied by many physicists and astronomers. Three of the more obvious effects of gravity are things falling down, weight, and the the moon and planets staying in their orbits. Things fall down. People have generally grown to accept that if one lets go of one s prized and valuable textbook when walking through a mud puddle, the book will invariablyâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦So, too, the moon continuously falls around the Earth, and the planets fall around the Sun. Each of these objects balances the Sun s force of gravity with its own momentum, that is, with its innate tendency to keep moving in the same direction at the same speed. Take away the Sun s force of gravity, and the planets would sail into space, in whatever dircetion at whatever speed they happen to have. Take away a planet s momentum, perhaps with a giant hand that stops it in orbit, and it would head straight for the Sun, drawn by the Sun s gravitational force. But, because both gravity and momentum are at work, the planets fall, not down, but around, forever as they move in elliptical, but nearly circular, orbits. Working with insight that has never been exceeded since, Isaac Newton showed that by making one simple assumption, that all objects in the universe attract one another in accordance with a simple relationship, he could explain the fall of objects to the ground, the moon s orbit around the Earth, and the planets motions around the Sun. The relationship Newton conceived was this: Every object attracts every other object with an amount of force that varies in proportion to the product of the two objects masses, and in inverse proportion to the square of the distance between the centers of the objects. It is plain to see that gravity is quite important. TheShow MoreRelatedInterplanetary Dust and Orbital Debris1059 Words à |à 4 Pagesdue to solar wind. The positive charge helps in reacting to the Lorentz force. The interplanetary dust grain population mainly originates in the main asteroid belt that is located between 2 to 4 astronomical units (AU) from the Sun. Dust forms in collisions between bodies of diï ¬â¬erent sizes and energies or may be carried in by comets. 10 % of the dust formed by collisions in this area is transported towards the Sun via the Poynting-Robertson drag. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Current Correctional System and Rehabilitation - 934 Words
In 1929, the Federal Bureau of Prisons declared rehabilitation to be its fundamental goal. Do you think the current correctional system still holds rehabilitation as its number one goal? Why or why not? The goal of rehabilitation is an idealistic goal that is morally superior to the other possible goals of the correctional system. It was inspired by the belief that both inmates and society as a whole benefit more from the successful rehabilitation of convicted criminals than they benefit from punitive incarceration or by mere incapacitation (Schmalleger, 2009). After decades of social experimentation with criminal justice and corrections policies that incorporated and emphasized elements of rehabilitation over elements of punishment or mere incapacitation, the rehabilitation approach came to be widely perceived as having been a failure, largely by virtue of the very high recidivism rates of inmates during that time frame (Schmalleger, 2009). More recently, the American penal system s eems to have returned to the assumption that rehabilitating criminals is simply not a realistic goal on which to base national policies and practices. In the decades since the experiment with rehabilitation as the primary purpose of American penal systems, practices such as mandatory sentencing guidelines and three-strikes laws became more and more popular. In many respects, even judges have criticized the degree to which those types of laws limit their flexibility to apply judicialShow MoreRelatedThe United States Correctional System Essay830 Words à |à 4 PagesUnited States Correctional System The United States correctional system is put in place for the time after a conviction to punish the convicted as well as get them ready to reenter society as a productive member. 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It is about a combination of skillful tactics that intend to restore normalcy in an individual after an occurrence. This process is dynamic depending on the reason why an individual is being rehabilitated. Rehabilitation can occur subsequent to a variety of events including injuries, disease, drug abuse and crime related cases. This paper concentrates on rehabilitation in corrections. Most of the people who are in c orrectional facilities might have beenRead MoreThe Difference Between Male And Female Penal Institutions754 Words à |à 4 Pagesin the U.S. correctional system and community corrections. Every state utilizes different types of classification instruments or methods to classify their inmates. Penal institutions in the U.S. have evolved tremendously in terms of procedures, decisions and classification. Studies from Clear et al. (2013) indicate that offenders in the United States, which consisted of men, women, and children, were all confined together in the same prison in the early 1800ââ¬â¢s (p. 296). In our current era, correctionalRead MoreCriminal Laws Should Be Organized1513 Words à |à 7 Pageselected officials since crime was increasing and with constant media coverage, violent crime created fear and anger and the target grew into holding offenders accountable for their conduct and the current Retributive Era came into existence. This model emphasized public safety above all else. Correctional punishments were tough with very little inmate resources. This was the return to the Classical School of criminality which believed that crime is deterred and prevented by lengthening and tougheningRead MorePrison Corrections1450 Words à |à 6 PagesWhen it comes to working in a correctional facility, Samuel Cowey states, ââ¬Å"I firmly believe that you must have a good sense of humor to do this job. If you donââ¬â¢t it will lead to an early grave from stressâ⬠(Cowey, 2012). This statement is true from the highest position of authority to the lowest position. The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) houses juveniles and adults that have been convicted to state prison and provides programs and services during their incarcerationRead MoreEssay about Correctional System1469 Words à |à 6 PagesThe U.S. correctional system has come under critical public scrutiny which has corrections administrators scrambling to find ways to run effective correctional facilities. The reality of corrections administration today is that it is changing. Major issues of this changing environment include ongoing budget concerns, privatization, technology, overcrowding, program issues, personnel management, security issues, and legal issues. 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Rehabilitation has many different process, but most, if not all have been proven successful in returning offenders to the community as changed individuals. Rehabilitation is defined as a return to a previous form. In criminal justice, rehabilitation is referred as a designed attempt toRead MoreAbstract. Modern Sentencing Practices, Along With A Decreased953 Words à |à 4 PagesModern sentencing practices, along with a decreased funding in the prison rehabilitation programs, have caused new challenges for the correctional system. Almost 800,000 offenders are ââ¬Å"doing timeâ⬠on the streets. Many have been pre-released back into a society that provides little to no services for their wellbeing that places them in situations that result in failure. This article examines the state of federal rehabilitation and the medical theory in today s corrections environment. Specifically
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Natural Disaster Volcanoes free essay sample
As it is forced up to the surface, the gases and magma push the earth up with it forming the mountain shape. When the magma gets near the surface of the earth it sometimes erupts violently, but can also erupt without violence. | | A volcano is actually an opening or a fissure, in the Earths crust, through which lava or molten rocks, ash and toxic gases present below the surface of Earth are discharged by a sudden, violent eruption. Sometimes, it can be a mountain-like structure with a bowl-shaped depression at the top, through which these substances are expelled. The term volcano is derived from the name of the Roman God of fire, Vulcan. Volcanic structures are usually formed at places where the tectonic plates are either converging or diverging. A stretching or thinning of the Earths crust, can also lead to the formation of volcanoes. They are often classified into three types, on the basis of their frequency of eruptions, i. We will write a custom essay sample on Natural Disaster Volcanoes or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page e. ctive, dormant and extinct. The active volcanoes are characterized by regular eruptions, while the dormant volcanoes are those that erupted in the past, but are silent now. On the other hand, an extinct volcano is the one that erupted in the remote past and is unlikely to erupt again. Volcanoes are not always erupting. Sometimes they lie quietly for thousands of years in between eruptions. Some volcanoes have areas around them that experience earthquakes and release gases, but do not erupt with magma. | Ã |
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Iousa Solutions Essay Example
Iousa Solutions Paper The united States public debt is money that is borrowed by the federal government Of the United States. In September of 2008, the national debt was 9. 6 trillion dollars. In March of 2010, the national debt increased by which is 126 trillion dollars. The total unfunded promises and liabilities of the United States is over 62 trillion dollars. In order to pay for our major liabilities and promises, the United States needs that money invested today but of all that money they have zero of it. The federal debt includes money that the government owes to social security, Medicare, and debt owed to the public, By the end of 2010, the federal government will owe almost 9 trillion dollars to the public. Also, our gross domestic product is expected to reach 14. 6 trillion dollars by the end of 2010, The public debt to gross domestic product ratio is used to determine how much we borrowed relative to our national income, By the end of 2010, our public debt to gross domestic product will be around 62 percent. The federal government was formed in 1789 and the government has been having problems with the national debt since. Many factors lead to our national debt like war and the great depression but eve always managed to bring the dent down. In the early sass, the national debt began to grow quickly. In the late sis and early 20005 the government was running budget surpluses. As a result, our federal budget has been low and the national debt has been increasing rapidly. Sixty-eight percent Of the money borrowed by the United States government came from foreign sources. We will write a custom essay sample on Iousa Solutions specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Iousa Solutions specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Iousa Solutions specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The foreign countries are becoming impatient with our deficit. If foreign countries were to Stop loaning us money, then Will have to raise interest rates dramatically, cut spending or, raise taxes. Estimated spending levels will be twice as large as revenues. Government spending includes all government consumption, investment but excludes transfer payments made by a state. Defense and other spending is the largest spending. Military spending is projected to be a very large cost for the Limited States. Since September of 2001, law makers provided 1. Trillion dollars for operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other war related activities. If we cut those spending, we can lower the potential future debt levels. Our nations mandatory spending policies are growing at a fast rate. By 2019, we will be spending 92 percent to all the revenues on entitlements and payments on the national debt, That will leave little money for all other expenditures, We ill have to cut discretionary spending or w e will continue to run large in growing our budget deficit. Some solutions can be to reform social security by increasing the retirement age, increase pay roll tax revenues, reduce growth in benefits for the better-off, and reduce COLA for benefits. I believe the national debt is too large to try and pay it off. There are many solutions that have been proposed yet we still have a very high debt Even though our generation does not want to pass this problem to future generations, believe they Will face the national debt problem and they might be living in worse economy than we are.
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