Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Beginning Of World War II Essays (2279 words) -
The Beginning of World War II At dawn on the principal day of September, 1939, the inhabitants of Poland stirred to grave news. A juggernaut power of tanks, firearms, furthermore, endless dim clad warriors from close by Germany had torn over the open country and were making an absolute attack of the Pole's countries. Germany's activities on that game changing morning touched off a strife that would spread out of control, inundating the whole globe in an extraordinary universal war. This situation is numerous individuals' origination of how World War II came to fruition. As a general rule, the entire story is unquestionably more itemized and complex. The sources of war can be followed as far back as the finish of the principal World War in 1919, when the Treaty of Versailles set duty regarding that horrible war solidly on Germany. A long time later, in the Far East, Japanese desire for an area drove the country to attack Manchuria and different pieces of close by China, causing threats toward flare in the Pacific Rim. Extraordinary Britain, the United States, and numerous different countries of the world would all be brought into fight in the years to come, and every country had it's own explanation behind helping in the battle. Despite the fact that Germany was the significant player in World War II, the seeds of war had just been planted in the Far East years prior strife in Europe. On September 18, 1931, the ground-breaking Japanese military powers started an intrusion of the district known as Manchuria, an territory having a place with terrain China. This activity broke non-hostility settlements that had been marked before. It likewise was completed by Japanese officers without the assent of the Japanese government. In disdain of this, nobody was ever rebuffed for the activities. Before long the ambush on China, the Japanese government chose it had no way out in any case, to help the control of Manchuria. By the following year the area had been totally cut off from China (Ienaga 60-64). Since of the Japanese hostile in China, the League of Nations held a vote in October to drive Japan out of the caught region. The vote was passed, 13 to 1, yet Japan stayed in charge of Manchuria. A second vote, taken in February, 1933, a proper dissatisfaction with the Japanese occupation, was passed 42 to 1. Rather than removing Japan from the region of Manchuria, it made the country officially pull back it's participation in the League of Nations the following month (Ienaga 66). Presently over the top by the proposals of the League of Countries, Japan proceeded with it's interruption onto Chinese soil. By 1937 Japan had moved military powers into Beijing, Shanghai, and Nanjing, just as different districts of China. By 1940, Japanese seizure of region had spread to somewhere inside Southeast Asia and even pieces of Australia (Sutel et al). Likewise in 1940, the Triparte Pact was agreed upon, associating Japan, Germany, and Italy into an amazing power that extended most of the way around the planet. The relationship with Hitler and Germany bound together the war in the Pacific and the war in Europe. Japan was presently completely associated with what came to be known as World War II. As fighting seethed in the Pacific Rim, a chain of situations was developing that would produce calamitous outcomes. The Treaty of Versailles of 1919 held Germany completely responsible for the awfulness of World War I. The country was deprived of huge regions of land, it's deadly implements, just as it's pride. Moreover, the reparations that should have been paid to the associated countries for all intents and purposes pulverized the economy of Germany. The hatred of the settlement consumed in the hearts and brains of Germans for a long time thereafter. In 1933, a man by the name of Adolf Hitler was chosen Chancellor of Germany in the wake of stirring his way up the stepping stool of government. By denouncing the Treaty of Versailles and making guarantees of a superior life to the German individuals, Hitler picked up the backing of his individual kinsmen, and he effortlessly won the political race. Very quickly after Hitler took office he started making sure about his position in power. Hitler found a way to take out all resistance, counting ideological groups and any other individual who stood up against him. The passing of President Hindenburg in 1934 secured
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Term Papers: Writing One For Your Course
Term Papers: Writing One For Your CourseWritten term papers have gained recognition as a requirement of many colleges, even for those who do not have any formal education. Many students cannot complete their term papers without the aid of term paper assistants, especially when the teacher asks for them. Term papers are a great way to evaluate your skills and grasp what you have learned.The writing process of term papers is very different from that of a standard essay. Sometimes it requires more time and effort than just churning out the required material on time.In the writing of this type of paper, you can't just jot down the information that is needed and then go forward with the present and past events. Rather, you need to write using your entire brain power. Since it is for an examination, you need to use your critical thinking skills. This will help you keep your notes organized, concise and complete.Every answer you provide must be right if you want to get the correct answers. This is because the results will depend on your grades. It is impossible to be relaxed and say any mistake, because it will bring you down in the rankings.On term papers, you have to go through the course material or even the exam for the students who take the same course. You can't miss anything if you use the help of term paper assistance. By doing this, you can avoid the guessing game. And this means you can concentrate on getting through the topics that need thorough explanation and comprehension.During the writing process, you have to take all the necessary notes. You should not forget to list the topics that you want to discuss and include each entry with appropriate information.Many students take courses in universities because of the flexible work schedule. Many college students have a job to attend to, so they can hardly devote any time for writing their papers. In fact, those who do complete the assignments put up in their course rooms tend to procrastinate by trying to co me up with more ideas.An assistant who does the assignments can give the students the opportunity to write their own comprehensive content. They help them get all the information they need, while using their wide range of experience in this field.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Article Writing - Do You Know How to Write Articles For Writing?
Article Writing - Do You Know How to Write Articles For Writing?The idea of articles for writing is something that most of us try to avoid. We have it drilled into our heads that if we don't write it we won't get the exposure we are after. The problem with this theory is that the more articles we produce the more we get exposed. So it would seem that if we write more articles and submit them to article directories and blogs, the more exposure we will receive.The thing is, in the real world there is no such thing as articles for writing. Anyone who tells you that there is will be disappointed when you begin to put the pieces together and try to make a living doing it. If you really want to know how to make money as an article writer, you have to ignore all of the shortcuts that writers think you can take and instead do things the right way.In order to get your work out there, you need to write about what you know. This might sound strange, but this is a good rule of thumb. To sell you rself as an expert you need to know something about your field. This means that you need to write articles that focus on that subject matter. If you can't make that subject matter, even something as broad as fashion, interesting enough to write about you are doing yourself a disservice.The key to making a living as a good writer knows how to produce articles that attract readers. You can have the best prose in the world, but if you can't write about something your readers care about you have already lost them. By writing about what you know, you get a greater chance of success and a stronger base of loyal readers.One of the best ways to learn how to become a better writer is to take the time to read articles by people who you would want to follow. Take the time to read and critique their work. You may find that you are reading about the same topics as they are, but there is an important difference.Readers will always find your knowledge compelling if you know what you are talking ab out. They will pick up on the excitement in your voice and the passion that you exude in your words. Readers feel like they can talk to the people they love and share what matters to them.Articles for writing isn't so much a shortcut, as it is a mindset shift. A mindset shift that will help you stay motivated and succeed in your goals. As you become more confident in your abilities, you will be less likely to doubt your abilities and instead embrace the fact that you have the skills and knowledge to succeed.To find success as an article writer, you have to work at it and find the motivation that lies within you. Make article directories and blogs your new friends and you will succeed.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Which Gender Influences Patterns And Processes Of...
This essay will discuss the ways in which gender influences patterns and processes of victimisation, identifying key victimological perspectives and typologies. It will consider key authors in the discipline and offer definitions of terms used. The essay will identify three issues which may impact on gendered victimisation before acknowledging the argument that radical victimology offers a more balanced approach to gendered victimisation than positivist or critical viewpoints. The Sage Dictionary of Criminology (2013) defines victimisation as ââ¬Å"â⬠¦a term originally used to designate an area of study concerned to address the relationship between the victim and offender.â⬠It should be noted however that since the late 1970s, the term hasâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In response to this movement, more support services were established for victims and measures were provided allowing victims greater involvement in the criminal justice process through a variety of means. This increased the need for research into the effects of crime on victims and how best their needs can be met. Victimology draws together academics, activists, and policymakers from a variety of backgrounds and identifies three main victimological perspectives. Positivist victimology dates back to the emergence of victimology as a discipline in the 1940s. It looks to understand the process of victimisation and why people become victims of crime by examining the relationship between the victim and offender through an agency lens. Newburn (2013) identifies positivists such as Miers (1989) who see victimisation as being causal in nature and identify three key features: â⬠¢ Identification of factors (individual or environmental) which produce patterns of victimisation. â⬠¢ They focus mainly of interpersonal crimes of violence. â⬠¢ The identification of victims who contribute to their own victimisation. Positivist victimology has made a fundamental contribution to the study of victimology by ensuring the development and refinement of quantitative victimisation. It emphasises the role of the state, criminal justice agencies and the voluntary sector in responding to the needs of victims of crime. It is however
Friday, May 15, 2020
Second Battle of Ypres in World War I
The Second Battle Ypres was fought April 22 to May 25, 1915, during World War I (1914-1918) and saw the Germans conduct a limited offensive around the strategic town of Ypres in Flanders. During the course of the battle, the Germans debuted the use of poison gas on the Western Front. This new technology provided an initial advantage, but the Germans were ultimately stopped after heavy fighting. Though the Germans had not achieved a breakthrough, they succeeded in bringing Ypres within range of their artillery. Background With the German defeat at the First Battle of the Marne in September 1914 and the unraveling of the Schlieffen Plan, both sides commenced a series of flanking maneuvers in northern France and Flanders. As the two sides sought an advantage, they clashed in Picardy, Albert, and Artois. Finally reaching the coast, the Western Front became a continuous line stretching to the Swiss frontier. In October, the Germans attempted to breakthrough at the town of Ypres in Flanders. This resulted in the First Battle of Ypres which saw the Allies hold a salient around Ypres after brutal fighting. Conflicting Strategies As trench warfare continued, both sides began assessing their options for bringing the war to a successful conclusion. Overseeing German operations, Chief of the General Staff Erich von Falkenhayn preferred to focus on winning the war on the Western Front as he believed that a separate peace could be obtained with Russia. This approach clashed with General Paul von Hindenburg who wished to deliver a decisive blow in the East. Chief of the General Staff Erich von Falkenhayn. Public Domain The hero of Tannenberg, he was able to use his fame and political intrigue to influence the German leadership. As a result, the decision was made to focus on the Eastern Front in 1915.à This focus ultimately resulted in the stunningly successful Gorlice-Tarnà ³w Offensive in May. An Offensive in the West Though Germany had elected to follow an east-first approach, Falkenhayn started planning for an operation against Ypres to begin in April. Intended as a limited offensive, he sought to divert Allied attention from troop movements east, secure a more commanding position in Flanders, as well as to test a new weapon, poison gas. Though tear gas had been used against the Russians in January at Bolimov, the Second Battle of Ypres would mark the debut of lethal chlorine gas. In preparation for the assault, German troops moved 5,730 90 lb. canisters of chlorine gas to the front opposite Gravenstafel Ridge which was occupied by French 45th and 87th Divisions. These units were comprised of territorial and colonial troops from Algeria and Morocco. Armies Commanders Allies General Sir Horace Smith-DorrienGeneral Herbert PlumerGeneral Henri PutzMajor General Armand de CeuninckMajor General Theophile Figeys8 divisions Germany Albrecht, Duke of Wà ¼rttemberg7 divisions The Germans Strike Around 5:00 PM on April 22, 1915, troops from Albrecht, Duke of Wà ¼rttembergs German 4th Army began releasing the gas towards the French troops at Gravenstafel. This was done by opening the gas cylinders by hand and relying on the prevailing winds to carry the gas towards the enemy.à A dangerous method of dispersal, it resulted in numerous casualties among the German forces. Drifting across the lines, the grey-green cloud struck the French 45th and 87th Divisions. Albrecht, Duke of Wà ¼rttemberg. Public Domain Unprepared for such an attack, the French troops began retreating as their comrades were blinded or collapsed from asphyxiation and damage to lung tissue. As the gas was denser than air it quickly filled low-lying areas, such as trenches, forcing the surviving French defenders into the open where they were susceptible to German fire. In short order, a gap of around 8,000 yards opened in the Allied lines as around 6,000 French soldiers died from gas-related causes. Moving forward, the Germans entered the Allied lines but their exploitation of the gap was slowed by darkness and a lack of reserves. Closing the Breach To seal the breach, the 1st Canadian Division of General Sir Horace Smith-Dorriens Second British Army was shifted to the area after dark. Forming up, elements of the division, led by the 10th Battalion, 2nd Canadian Brigade, counterattacked at Kitcheners Wood around 11:00 PM. In a brutal battle, they succeeded in reclaiming the area from the Germans but sustained high casualties in the process. Continuing pressure on the northern part of the Ypres Salient, the Germans released a second gas attack on the morning of the 24th as part of an effort to take St. Julien. The Allies Fight to Hold On Though the Canadian troops attempted to improvise protective measures such as covering their mouths and noses with water or urine-soaked handkerchiefs, they were ultimately forced to fall back though they exacted a high price from the Germans. Subsequent British counterattacks over the next two days failed to retake St. Julien and the units engaged sustained heavy losses. As fighting spread down the salient as far as Hill 60, Smith-Dorrien came to believe that only a major counter-offensive would be able to push the Germans back to their original positions.à Field Marshal Herbert Plumer. Library of Congress As such, he recommended withdrawing two miles to a new line in front of Ypres where his men could consolidate and re-form. This plan was rejected by the Commander-in-Chief of the British Expeditionary Force, Field Marshal Sir John French, who elected to sack Smith-Dorrien and replace him with the commander of V Corps, General Herbert Plumer. Assessing the situation, Plumer also recommended falling back. Following the defeat of a small counter-offensive led by General Ferdinand Foch, French directed Plumer to begin the planned retreat. New German Attacks As the withdrawal began on May 1, the Germans again attacked with gas near Hill 60. Assaulting the Allied lines, they were met by fierce resistance from the British survivors, including many from the 1st Battalion of the Dorset Regiment, and were turned back. Having consolidated their position, the Allies were again attacked by the Germans on May 8. Opening with a heavy artillery bombardment, the Germans moved against the British 27th and 28th Divisions southeast of Ypres on Frezenberg Ridge. Meeting heavy resistance, they released a gas cloud on May 10. Having endured earlier gas attacks, the British had developed new tactics such as shelling behind the cloud to strike at the advancing German infantry. In six days of bloody fighting, the Germans were only able to advance around 2,000 yards. After a pause of eleven days, the Germans resumed the battle by releasing their largest gas attack to date across a 4.5-mile section of the front. Beginning before dawn on May 24, the German assault sought to capture Bellewaarde Ridge. In two days of fighting, the British bloodied the Germans but were still forced to concede another 1,000 yards of territory. Aftermath After the effort against Bellewaarde Ridge, the Germans brought the battle to a close due to a lack of supplies and manpower. In the fighting at Second Ypres, the British suffered around 59,275 casualties, while the Germans endured 34,933. In addition, the French incurred around 10,000. Though the Germans had failed to break through the Allied lines, they reduced the Ypres Salient to around three miles which allowed for the shelling of the city. In addition, they had secured much of the high ground in the area. The gas attack on the first day of the battle became one of the conflicts great missed opportunities.à Had the assault been backed with sufficient reserves, it may have broken through the Allied lines. The use of poison gas had come as a tactical surprise to the Allies who roundly condemned its use as barbaric and reprehensible. Though many neutral nations agreed with this assessment, it did not stop the Allies from developing their own gas weapons which debuted at Loos that September. The Second Battle of Ypres is also notable for being the engagement during which Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD composed the famed poem In Flanders Fields.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about the human brain - 537 Words
In this paper one will learn the different parts of the brain and their functions. Although the brain isnââ¬â¢t the largest organ of the human body it is the most complex and controlling organ. It is amazing how complicated the brain is. The brain controls every action within and out of your body. The brain has main areas that contain different areas that have specific functions. For instance the basal ganglia holds the lentiform and the caudate. The brain isnââ¬â¢t just ââ¬Å"THE BRAINâ⬠it is actually a group of many parts. They help to inform the brain on the things going on with the human body. The brain is split in to two main parts, the left and the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere has about the same areas as the right hemisphere. The onlyâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The corpus callosum is a bundle of nerves that connects the two hemispheres. The area that passes and processes information concerning touch, pain, temperature, and pressure on skin is the thalamus. The limbic system controls your behavior and emotions. It is involved in emotions such as fear, rage, pleasure, and sorrow. In the prefrontal area of the frontal lobe emotional traits are controlled. In the temporal lobe expressed behavior is controlled. The parietal lobe discriminates sensory. The occipital lobe is where visual interpretation takes place. Pons is a crossroad for nerves going up to the cortex, to the cerebellum and then down the spinal cord. The cortex is the outer gray area where thinking takes place. The olfactory cortex receives senses from the nose that it then sorts out. The area that identifies what we see by working out movements, colors, and shapes is the visual cortex. The area that receives taste senses is called gustatory cortex. The area responsible for analyzing data, performing memory functions, learning new information, forming thoughts, and making decisions is the cerebral cortex. The motor cortex is involved in muscle movement. The cerebellum is vital when carrying out complicated, skilled movements. It is much like a mini brain. If before you read this paper you thought the brain was a ââ¬Å"one man machineâ⬠Iââ¬â¢m sure your opinion has changed after reading his paper. It is amazing how god has created the brain to have so many areasShow MoreRelatedHuman Brain And Human Brains1477 Words à |à 6 PagesWe, the human species are unique. This is a phrase we all have heard at some point in our lives. We are unique compared to other animals in our language, movements, and emotions. We have our own language which the majority of animals do not, we stand on two legs while the majority of the animals are on four legs, and we are much more sensitive to our emotional reactions, making us complex animals. Now, where does all these differences come from? As the title suggest, our human brains are incredibleRead MoreThe Brain And Its Effects On Human Brain1675 Words à |à 7 Pages The brain has four main structures; the Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Limbic System, and the Brain Stem. The Cerebrum, also known as the Cerebral Cortex, is the largest part of the human brain. It is divided into four parts that are called ââ¬Å"lobesâ⬠: there s the frontal lobe which is linked with reasoning, planning, parts of speech, emotions, and problem solving- the parietal lobe which is linked to movement, orientation, and recognitions- the occipital lobe which is linked to visual processing like objectRead MoreThe Perception Of The Human Brain s Brain953 Words à |à 4 Pagesreason: survivalâ⬠¦ as deep in the brainâ⬠¦we got special cells known as mirror neuronsâ⬠(H. C. Sinclair, 2013). It also relates to current human behavior for the reason that it echoes the modeling or imitation behavior executed by children and adolescents. For example, individuals that are into Football will get worked up from just watching it due to similarly reacting to the responses of t he actual audience at the game. The reason as to why is because of the outcome of the human brainââ¬â¢s premotor cortex initiatingRead More The Human Brain Essay1341 Words à |à 6 Pages Our brains weigh about three pounds and are divided into two similar looking but functionally different hemisphere, the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere. Both of which are connected by a large bundle of nerves called the corpus collosum. In some people with severe seizure disorders such as epilepsy, it was found that if this bundle of nerves was severed their seizure would either cease or a the very least be better controlled. From this surgical procedure it was discovered that the two hemispheresRead More The Human Brain Essay1189 Words à |à 5 PagesThe human brain is a big, intricateââ¬âyet delicate, structure in the human body. It is the key structure in cognitive function. Any damage to the brain does not only ââ¬Å"eraseâ⬠memories but also may ââ¬Å"deceiveâ⬠th e brain to erroneously remember a new object as being familiar (2010). The innovative researchers at Cambridge University investigated this phenomenon in their research on The Paradoxial False Memory for Objects after Brain Damage. The publication began by stating the widely acceptable premiseRead MoreStress And The Human Brain1720 Words à |à 7 Pagesof study for those interested in human sciences. In particular, stress is often viewed through the scopes of a Psychologist, Sociologist and an Anthropologist. The Psychologist s perspective revolves around relations between stress and the human brain. One of the questions they might ask would be if an individual can be born with stress. The answer is sometimes but not often. Researches at the University of Edinburgh found that motherââ¬â¢s wombs and babies brains contain a chemical protecting themRead MoreThe Human Brain : Is It Interesting?1764 Words à |à 8 PagesIââ¬â¢ve never learned much about Psychology yet I always found it interesting. The human brain is very interesting to me, the fact that genetics can affect if you happen to be mentally insane or even a serial killer to me is astonishing. Another idea which grabs my interest is Weberââ¬â¢s Law. This idea has changed the way I do things in my life using my senses, including ignoring my parents loud talking or annoying habits. Iââ¬â¢ve also been interested in learning styles. I know the different types, but IRead More The Human Brain Essay1784 Words à |à 8 Page sThe Human Brain The human being is considered to be the ultimate form of life on the earth. This is not because the human body is strong and agile. Many other animals posses skills much superior to humans and are able to perform feats humans can only dream of. The one thing that distinguishes humans from all of the other organisms on this planet is the brain. The brain is the site that controls the human body. However, unlike in animals, in man, the brain is also the site of theRead MoreHuman Brain Development1231 Words à |à 5 Pageswonder how this is possible if the child hasnââ¬â¢t even taken its first breath yet, but it is true. Brain development begins in week four of their first trimester in the womb. This is important because the development helps a child learn and grow, effecting their future learning, education, and social skills. Brain development begins right in the womb and continues to flourish after birth. A childââ¬â¢s brain develops through neurons and their connections by synapses. Neurons communicate at synapses throughRead MoreThe Human Brain vs. the Computer1442 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Human Brain vs. the Computer Over the millennia, Man has come up with countless inventions, each more ingenious than the last. However, only now, as the computer arises that mankinds sentience itself is threatened. Ridiculous, some may cry, but I say look about you! The computer has already begun to hold sway over so many of the vital functions that man has prided himself upon before. Our lives are now dependent upon the computer and what it tells you. Even now, I type this essay upon
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Explain the factors that would lead to suspicion of child maltreatment or abuse free essay sample
Explain the factors that would lead to suspicion of child maltreatment or abuse. The different types of maltreatment is sexual abuse, Sexual abuse refers to any action that pressures or forces someone to do something sexually they dont want to do. Sexual abuse can be when youââ¬â¢re being touched in a way that you may not like, or being forced to have sex, another type of sexual abuse is when somebody is forced to look at sexual pictures or videos. Sexual abuse can also include someone flashing or exposing themselves to you; this can be via webcam, pictures or in person Youre made to do something sexual to someone that feels uncomfortable or wrong; again, this can on online such as Facebook, online chat rooms etcâ⬠¦ Another type of maltreatment is Neglect, this is where Neglect is the failure to provide necessary care, assistance, guidance or attention. There are two different types of neglect, Active neglect and Passive neglect. Purposely causing physical, mental, or emotional injury to someone. Passive neglect is not providing basic needs of life such as such as food, water, medications, medical treatment, , and equipment aids, and rights because of lack of experience, information, or ability. One other type of maltreatment is Physical abuse, physical abuse is any intentional and unwanted contact with you. Physical abuse can contain hitting, punching, burning, slapping, grabbing your face to make you look at them and grabbing you to prevent you from leaving or to force you to go somewhere. Lastly, there is emotional abuse. Emotional abuse the second most common reason for a child to be put on the child protection register or made subject to a child protection plan. Signs of emotional abuse can include: Yelling or swearing, insulting, threats and intimidation, unreasonably ordering an individual around, repeatedly raising the issue of death and humiliating. All of these maltreatments does not only happen from your parents but children can also be high at risk from different people. Risks of maltreatment can be caused from a lot of different type of people from strangers, to foster parents, parents, family members and even health and social car workers. For example, sexual abuse is not always committed by adult males but women can also commit acts of abuse, as can other children. This doesnââ¬â¢t happen just within the family but can also happen with strangers or even institution workers. It is said that Children are still not safe from sexual abuse in institutions such as schools, churches and care homes, the National Crime Agency has warned. An example of this, is that are many Teachers at 62 independent schools convicted of sex crimes over 20 years. The risks of maltreatment can happen within their family members, an example of this was the murder of Victoria Climbie who was murdered by her guardians which was her great-auntie Marie-Therese Kouao and her boyfriend Carl Manning. Victoria Climbie was burnt with cigarettes, tied up for periods up to longer than 24 hours, hit with bike chains, hammers and wires. Indicators of maltreatment may not always mean that they have been abused, and could mean there are other explanations. There are usually different indications of different types of abuse. Indicators for sexual abuse may be avoidance, a young child may understand sexual behaviour to much beyond their age, or a pain or infection in the genital area. The possible indicators for emotional abuse can be Physical and Behavioural indicators. Some physical indicators can be bedwetting or diarrhoea or frequent complaints from headaches, nausea and abdominal pains. Some behavioural indicators are lack of confidence, complains of social isolation, forbidden contact with other children, complains of social isolation and forbidden contact with other children, development delay in terms of emotional progress, sudden speech disorders. The physical signs of neglect may include the child being constantly hungry, constantly dirty and smelly, loss of weight and inappropriate clothing for the conditions. Some changes in behaviour which can also indicate neglect may include the child complaining of being tired all the time, not requesting medical assistance or mentioning being left alone or unsupervised. The indicators of physical abuse can include unexplained bruising, marks or injuries on any part of the body, multiple bruises, broken bones or even multiple burn marks. There can also be a change in behaviour while a child is being physically abused, such as; fear of parents being approached for an explanation, aggressive behaviour, flinching when approached or touched, depression, withdrawn behaviour or even running away from home. The consequences of maltreatment can lead to psychological problems and physical problems. When a child has been abused this can make the child angry. Self-esteem is usually caused when someone is emotionally abused as the person may talk down to the child and make the child feel useless. When somebody is sexually abused, the consequence may be an STI or even unwanted pregnancy. Other consequences that can happen due to abuse is, diseases, stress, and illnesses. These can be due to Neglect, if the child is not looked after properly then the child could end up ill, this can also happen due to neglect if the home environment is not healthy. Some wider factors suggesting a risk of maltreatment could be the use of drugs around the child, which could lead to neglect and abuse. Another indicator of maltreatment could be family dysfunction, this could be anything from family arguments, parents or carers being absent a lot of the time, which could cause the child to not get the care that is needed. If the child does not get the care that is needed then this could cause the child to not develop as well or cause health problems.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Whats the Deal with Improving Sentences and the Essay SAT Writing Guide and Advice
What's the Deal with Improving Sentences and the Essay SAT Writing Guide and Advice SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Have you ever wondered what the SAT is looking for when they ask questions that are confusing? Look no further! In this post, we reveal the goals of the SAT Essay and IdentifyingSentence Errors question types. Whatââ¬â¢s the Deal with The Essay? This oneââ¬â¢s simple: writing requires a multitude of subtle skills, from logic to word choice. But the SAT canââ¬â¢t score them all, so it chose a few: organization, evidence, vocabulary, thesis, sentence structure, and grammar. That leaves out factual accuracy, creativity, and a number of other subtle factors that make writing good or not-so-good. Thus, the SAT Essay is a beast unto itself, because those left-out aspects of writing actually turn out to be kind of important. See, theyââ¬â¢re not trying to find out if youââ¬â¢re a good writer;theyââ¬â¢re trying to find out if youââ¬â¢re a competent writer, which means you can write on a specific topic with no preparation in a somewhat organized fashion. This means that things like vocabulary and complex sentence structure only get you points if you use them appropriately.For example, many studentsââ¬â¢ essays substitute the word ââ¬Å"lucidâ⬠for ââ¬Å"clear,â⬠when ââ¬Å"clearâ⬠can actually mean many more things than ââ¬Å"lucidâ⬠can: ââ¬Å"lucidâ⬠only means ââ¬Å"easy to understand.â⬠So when students write ââ¬Å"it is lucid that people need good jobs,â⬠they are misusing the word: clear can mean obvious, but lucid canââ¬â¢t. The takeaway here is this: the test only cares about staying on topic; using good, concrete examples; and organizing your thoughts in a logical way. Everything else is too much work for their graders to assess in one or two minutes, so they ignore all of it. This ââ¬Å"everything else,â⬠notably, includes the accuracy of facts: as one recent New York Times article explains, ââ¬Å"you can tell them the war of 1812 started in 1945,â⬠and it wonââ¬â¢t hurt your score one bit. Whatââ¬â¢s the Deal with IdentifyingSentence Errors? These questions in the Writing section give you a sentence with four underlined parts and a ââ¬Å"No errorâ⬠option. Then they ask which underlined portion of the sentence contains an error, like so: The Florida sunset being(A) best viewed from(B) the West Coast on a clear day(C)in the summer(D). No error. (E) Again, the College Board has come up with a relatively clumsy waytotest writing skills without carefully reading millions of essays. Because they have specific errors they wantto test, and itââ¬â¢s sometimes hard to do that in a realistic way,IdentifyingSentence Errors questionsoftenlook like something nobody would ever write. In the example above, theyââ¬â¢re trying to test verb forms (ââ¬Ëbeingââ¬â¢ should say ââ¬Ëisââ¬â¢). This is a common high schoolersââ¬â¢ error, and someone in high school might make it in a sentence like this: The main problem with swimming being that I canââ¬â¢t text while Iââ¬â¢m doing it. But that error would be too easy, so theyinclude other things that students think are errors (but are actually correct), and end up with weirdsentences about Florida. This is where SAT prep can come in handy: it helps you apply strategies like the one Iââ¬â¢m about to explain. Hereââ¬â¢s the key: donââ¬â¢t look at these like normal sentences; look at them like word equations, in which each underlined portion must be isolated and deciphered. The Florida sunset being(A) best viewed from(B) the West Coast on a clear day(C)in the summer(D). No error. (E) (A): This word is a verb: does it agree with its subject? Yes. Does it work as the only verb in the sentence? No. Mark it as a possible error until youââ¬â¢ve looked at all the choices. [B]: Is this the right word to use here? Can a sunset be ââ¬Å"viewed fromâ⬠somewhere? Yes it can. Moving on. [C] Does this makes sense? Are all the words correct, and do they fit together correctly? Yes they do. [D] Is this the right way to say during the summertime? Yes, it is. Now go back to the one(s) you think could be the answer(s). How sure are you that [A] is wrong? Since an ââ¬Å"-ingâ⬠verb can never be the only verb in a sentence (it needs a helping verb, like ââ¬Å"is doingâ⬠or ââ¬Å"can be seeingâ⬠), you can be sure itââ¬â¢s wrong. Mark it! Other Posts You May Be Interested In: What is a good SAT score? A bad SAT score? SAT Writing Guide Part I: Improving Paragraphs: SAT Writing Guide Part III: Improving Sentences
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Intro MGT Informat Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Intro MGT Informat Systems - Essay Example Despite proper planning of the initiation phase, continuous evaluation of the implementation process is vital in project implementation. During the implementation phase, communication is vital in the project implementation process (Kerzner). Communication ensures that the transfer of information within the work force is effective thus improving the implementation process. The various phase of implementation process involves the combination of different departments in the implementation process. The communication process in the project work must accommodate various technological changes such as use of latest communication technology such as the use of Email and social networks. The selection of the best possible technology for use in the project work must consider the budgetary allocation of the project. It deals with the understanding of the information management and system available and the implementation process demands. The leadership of an organization can influence the motivation of the people leading better performance in project management. Emotional intelligent is vital in the leadership success. To have a successful project leader, the understanding of the leadership styles and emotional intelligence is mandatory allowing for exclusive understanding of the organization structure. Leadership in project management must always have the mission and vision of the project to avoid management crisis such as loss of organizational focus and goals. The goals of the project are vital because they facilitate the development of organizational structure and organization. Additionally, the planning phase of the project must ensure that all factors that may influence implementation are evaluated. The creation of plans ensures that all activities are considered in the process of planning and the magnitude of activities, threats and opportunities existing during the
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Proposal and thesis statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Proposal and thesis statement - Essay Example The most important change should be making the curriculum more interesting and challenging for the students, once this happens one would witness a sharp decline in the dropout numbers. The curriculum should also be made challenging so that students study and accept their new challenge. It is very important to find out the reason for students dropping out each year, some dropout because they get bullied, some stop going to school because of poor grades and depression while some others get pregnant unexpectedly and decide to dropout, it is very important to know the right reason and take appropriate measures. ââ¬Å"KIDS are dropping out of school as early as year 7 without any follow-up, a Springvale police officer says. Youth resource officer Leading Sen-Constable Leanne Cooper said many parents were happy to have their children at home, citing at least one 16-year-old girl who had not attended school since she was in year 7.â⬠(Alarming School Drop-out rates) It is extremely im portant to check this long standing problem and to come up with steps which would eliminate it completely; it requires a lot of effort and diligence. References Alarming School Drop-out rates (2011). Rising Drop-out Rates. Retrieved from
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Greek tragedy Essay Example for Free
Greek tragedy Essay A view from the bridge is a powerful play about two immigrants that cross the American border from Italy, illegally. The play is set in the nineteen thirties to the nineteen fifties right after the Second World War. It also has striking similarities with Greek tragedy, being linear and having a chorus, or narrator (Alfieri). Eddie, the tragic protagonist has a fatal flaw (his improper love of, and almost obsession with, Catherine) and the final climax at the end of the play is another feature of this style. Alfieri plays a huge part in maintaining the audiences dramatic interest; he is like the chorus in a Greek tragedy always reminding the audience of the tragedy. He holds the play together without actually taking much part in the action, however his real job is to unfold the play to the audience, he influences our audience and keeps us hooked onto the play, as though it was a cliff-hanger, the audience, including me, believe Alfieri because he is a lawyer and he knows the most. The bridge represents Alfieri, he is a link between Italians and Americans, Eddie and Rodolpho, he has equal opinions on them both and does not take sides; he is very un-bias. It seems that Alfieri is drowned in stress and needs someone to talk to that is why he talks to the audience at certain intervals of the play. Its also as though Alfieri is retelling the play as he mostly speaks in past tense. Alfieri really begins to introduce drama to the play in his chat with Eddie before the boxing scene; this is a really tense conversation between them both as Eddie starts to reveal his true feelings for Catherine without realising himself. You also begin to realise how easily the situation is flowing when Alfieri redeems himself powerless to stop anything from happening. Alfieri makes us feel as though there will be a terrible ending, I watched it coming, step after step, this makes the audience feel as though there will be a violent ending. This creates dramatic irony as we know something the characters dont; also building tension and suspense the longer we wait for the dramatic climax of the play. Eddie Carbone plays the largest part in creating drama before the end of act one, he creates conflict and reveals his hate for Rodolpho. On the other hand Marco develops his understanding that Eddie doesnt approve of Rodolphos feelings for Catherine. Eddie likes to assert himself as the alpha male, and a man in Eddies eyes is a hard working, physically strong family man, and Marco has all of these features, he is working hard to support his family and when he lifts the chair that Eddie cannot, this shows that Marco is physically strong, and it seems Eddie respects Marco, but sees him as a threat to his position in the Carbone family. Eddie also finds other ways to create drama in the scene. Lemons are green is the small contribution that Rodolpho makes to the conversation between Marco and Eddie, Eddies reply towards Rodolpho, I know lemons are green, for Christ sake is quite vicious and makes it quite obvious he doesnt like Rodolpho and makes it quite awkward for Marco to talk to Eddie as though nothing is wrong. This adds some tension to the scene. Also, Eddie begins to imply that Rodolpho aint right, this quite obviously means that Eddie think Rodolpho is gay when really he is just looking for any excuse for Catherine not to be with him. During the long talk about Rodolphos skills and attributes Eddie says But if I could cook, if I could sing, if I could make dresses, I wouldnt be on the water-front and I would be like in a dress store. In the actual play Eddie repeats the first sentence three times, as though an obvious attempt to stress to his family that he aint right. You can tell this by what he says after I would be like in a dress store, this is blatantly a womans job however cooking, singing and dancing was considered gay in the 1950s. You can see that Marco is unimpressed by what Eddie is trying to imply. [Uneasily]. This stage direction proves that Marcos reaction to what he has implied about his brother is negative and he is uneasy to talk to Eddie at all, or that he knows what is coming when Eddie asks What do you say, Marco, we go to the bouts next Saturday night. You never seen a fight, did you? Eddies mind is also quite obviously filled with violence and hatred, and it is blatant that he purposely wants Rodolpho to fight because he asks him after having the opportunity to ask his brother first. This also creates tension in the scene as we know what it is all building up too and we are eager to see how it unfolds. Furthermore, during the fight Eddie says to Rodolpho It also seems that Eddies sexual jealousy has coloured his thoughts as he chooses to insult Marco by implying that his wife is cheating whilst he works in America, this is a very tense moment as we are unaware of how Marco will react to this comment and how this may affect his relationship with Eddie, this furthermore builds tension in the scene. Eddie also feels betrayed by Catherine, he has raised her as his own and he treats her like his daughter, he feels that by Catherine wanting to marry Rodolpho and living her own life that she is being ungrateful for all that he has done for her. He feels that Catherine owes him a living. All the way during the boxing scene, you get this vivid sense of pressure building up in Eddie. It seems to me that Eddie offers Rodolpho to a boxing match to release his anger after watching him and Catherine dance to a very symbolic song, paper doll. When Eddie first asks Rodolpho to dance, strong tension is built within the audience, because we have already been hinted by Alfieri that something bad is going to happen, and this is the ideal moment for this to happen. Eddie says to Rodolpho, Come on kid, you cant hurt me. This is ironic because although Rodolpho may not possess the strength to physically hurt Eddie, his is causing him mass amounts of emotional pain, just sharing feelings with Catherine. The stage directions also have a huge effect in this part of the play, He has bent the rolled paper and it suddenly tears in two. This tells the audience that Eddie has had enough of Rodolpho, and that all his anger and true feelings for Catherine are boiling over. Also this hints to the Audience that something bad is about to happen, because Eddie twisting the newspaper in two pieces shows that it has all become too much for him and he has to let his anger out. This creates dramatic tension within the audience as we wait for something to happen. The way Catherine acts towards Eddie could have triggered this sudden outburst; normally Catherine is really obedient towards Eddie and does what he says, she sees him as her father and him his daughter.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Interview With a Parent of a Child with Special Needs Essay -- Intervie
I interviewed a woman who has a child with special needs. The child is now in kindergarten. The mother reported having a normal pregnancy with no complications. This was the second child for the mother, who has another child who was five years old at the time. The mother disclosed that during the pregnancy, she was in the process of separating from the childââ¬â¢s father and that this caused a moderate level of stress. At the time of the pregnancy, the mother was also working full time as a waitress in a local restaurant. The mother reported that her job required her to be on her feet for long periods of time. She was able to work until around a week before her child was born. The mother reports that the child was born around two weeks early but that labor was easy and the child was born healthy. The mother described the child as being a fussy infant who had trouble sleeping and would awake several times during the night. The mother also reports the child was a fussy eater, and she experienced trouble feeding her daughter during infancy and needed to switch her daughter to soy formula. Overall the mother reported that the daughter was a happy infant who smiled often. The mother reported her child being alert and responding positively to family members who visited and enjoyed playing with her toys. In regards to the development, the mother reported that her daughter seemed to be developing slower than her first child who hit certain milestones earlier. The mother reports remembering her daughter babbling, but says she did not say her first word until much later on than her first child. She said that this was a concern for her and that she discussed it with her pediatrician who did not see any cause for alarm at the time. When t... ...orking collaboratively with families is to be patient understanding. Do not assume their unwillingness is because they do not want to help their child. I would also say that it is important for them to keep communication open make an effort to include the parents. ââ¬Å" Take the initiative to a establish coequal relationship. Donââ¬â¢t be discouraged by limited initial success.â⬠(Oslens & Fuller 2012, p 128.) References: o â⬠¢ Gerald Mahoney, Ann Kaiser, Luigi Girolametto, James MacDonald, Cordelia Robinson, Philip Safford, and Donna Spiker Parent Education in Early Intervention: A Call for a Renewed Focus Topics in Early Childhood Special Education Fall 1999 19: 131-140, â⬠¢ Olsen, Glenn W., and Mary Lou Fuller. Home and school relations: teachers and parents working together. 4th ed. Boston: Pearson, 2012. Print.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Social Entrepreneurship
There are substantial issues related to social entrepreneurship and how they are dealing with challenges including competition, structure, adapting to a changing economic and social environment, and employee retention and satisfaction. There is a perception by some small businesses that an unfair competition exists because a nonprofit may already be an established agency with resources of their own. They argue that social entrepreneurship may take a significant piece of a limited customer base that is shared by struggling small businesses. Differing views among scholars raise the issue of definition, mission, and validity of social entrepreneurships. In America, some believe that social entrepreneurship must remain in the private sector and operated as a substitute for social welfare. (Bacq & Janssen 2001) Others limit their focus to the social entrepreneur's role within the organization. Bill Drayton of The American Social Innovation School posits that the social entrepreneur's characteristics as a change agent are the central element of social entrepreneurship, while others insist that the organization must remain the primary focus. The mission-centric nature of social entrepreneurship is a point of contention as well. Scholars are divided over the necessity to link the social mission with the financial goals. Some believe that the commercial activities do not need to be connected to the social mission, so long as the revenues are used to fund the social activities. Adam Smith (1976) suggests that businesses, although may have good intentions, are easily dissuaded from the pursuit of social good. Dees and Anderson (2003) also acknowledge the risks of conflicts between having both a social mission and wealth creation objective, admitting that successful examples of such setups are rare in practice. In some instances, as observed by Dees (2012), the social mission can ââ¬Å"be at oddsâ⬠with profit motives. (Dees, 2012, p. 321). Dacin, Dacin, and Matear (2010, p. 45) also highlight that it is an ââ¬Å"increasingly important concern that all forms of business face: how to weave social and economic concerns into the fabric of organization management, to the mutual satisfaction of stakeholders.â⬠Additionally, Dees and Anderson (2003) suggest that the most significant challenge of operating a for-profit social enterprise is the complexity of combining two opposed objectives which are amplified by the pressures to compromise social mission in pursuit of financial performance. Regarding mission drift, scholars argue that the business model brings more tensions that benefit. They suggest that situations will inevitably arise due to the different objectives leading to a divergence of goals and values. Smith, Gonin & Besharov (2013) point to the ââ¬Å"competing demandsâ⬠and the ââ¬Å"ethical dilemmasâ⬠that are likely to arise in such a situation. Seedco (2007) adds that even though social entrepreneurs have a strong commitment to the social goal, they may be quickly moved from this goal due to increasing financial problems (Seedco 2007).
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Roosevelt s Rights Of Women - 1478 Words
In 1933, Roosevelt became First Lady; she would remain this position for twelve years which was far more than any other First Lady in history (Jones 73). On March 6, 1933 Roosevelt held her first press conference with 35 female reporters in attendance; this was the first press conference held by a First Lady, and the first to have only female reporters attending it (Jones 73, 74). This forced newspapers to hire female reporters, creating more jobs for women (Jones 73). Roosevelt expressed to the women reporters that she would keep an open-mind during these conferences for their ideas and opinions (Jones 74). The Press Conferences were a way for Roosevelt to communicate with the public, she also used her ââ¬Å"My Day Column to talk to the publicâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦She also focused on equal rights for African-Americans, something previous First Ladies did not do. Roosevelt strongly spoke out against many topics, but she focused on rights for African-Americans as well as rights for women. Roosevelt felt that the one real test of the United States democracy was civil rights (Black 16). At the Conference for Human Welfare Roosevelt took a stand against racial discrimination and sat down in the aisle that separated the white and colored sections (Fordman 6). This stand against discrimination earned Roosevelt some enemies in the public and newspapers often teased that she had ââ¬Å"colored bloodâ⬠(Jones 87). In 1939 upon hearing that the Daughters of the American Revolution refused to allow singer Marian Anderson to perform at Constitution Hall, because of her race, Roosevelt was quick to send a resignation to the Daughters of the American Revolution (Jones 90). Roosevelt resigned by saying that, ââ¬Å"You had an opportunity to lead in an enlightened way, and it seems to me that your organization failedâ⬠(Jones 91). She immediately a rranged for Anderson to perform at the Lincoln Memorial on Easter Sunday in front of about 75,000 people (Jones 90). As Roosevelt did for the women, she also provided job opportunities for African American people. The White House staff was
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